The American Civil War

  • The Great Election

    The Great Election
    Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln is elected president, the first Republican in hisotry, receiving 180 of 303 possible electoral votes and 40 percent of the popular vote. He has spraked the start of a new era, and the end of slavery.
    Image: Abraham Lincoln. Digital image. Wikipedia. Wikipedia, n.d. Web.
  • Period: to

    The American Civil War

  • Secession of the States

    Secession of the States
    South Carolina seceedes from the union, and within two months, six other southern states follow their lead. Image Citation: File:South Carolina Declaration and Ordinance of Secession. Digital image. Wikimedia Commons. Wikimedia, n.d. Web.
  • On His Way In

    On His Way In
    Lincoln is sworn is as the 16th President of the United States, being the first republican president elected.
    Image: Abraham Lincoln's First Inaugural Address. Digital image. Wikipedia. Wikipedia, n.d. Web. <'s_first_inaugural_address>.
  • Beginning of the War

    Beginning of the War
    Fort Sumter Battle Confederates opened fire with 50 canons on Fort Sumter under General Pierre Beaureguard, sparking the beginning of the American Civil War.
    Image: US Civil War Begins. Digital image. Photography by John Michael. John Michael, n.d. Web.
  • Virginia Goes

    Virginia Goes
    Viriginia secedes from the Union, followed closely by Arkansas, Tennesse, and North Carolina. This creates a 9 state Confederation, with an estimated population of 9 million, 4 million of these being slaves.
    Image: Secession of Virginia. Digital image. Library of Virginia. Library of Virginia, n.d. Web.
  • Call to Congress

    Call to Congress
    Lincoln tells congress in a speech that the Civil War is a "People's contest." Congress then authorizes a call for 500,000 militiamen, adding to the 75,000 called at the start of the war.
    Image: President Abraham Lincoln: July 4th, Civil War Speech to Congress, 1861 – Hear and Read the Message. Digital image. Youtube. Youtube, n.d. Web.
  • The Bull Run Defeat

    The Bull Run Defeat
    First Battle of Bull RunThe Union Army at Bull Run 25 miles southwest of Washington. Union troops fall back to Washington. President Lincoln realizes the war will be long.
  • One War at a Time

    One War at a Time
    Two confederate ships sail for England, but are eventually stopped by U.S. officals. England demands their release, stating that they will start a war. Lincoln eventually gives in and orders their release in December. "One war at a time," Lincoln remarks.
    Image: Abraham Lincoln. Digital image. Wikipedia. Wikipedia, n.d. Web.
  • Move Along

    Move Along
    President Lincoln established General War Order No. 1, stating that all US naval and land forces begin their general advance by George Washington's birthday (February 22).
    Image: Lincoln as Commander and Chief. Digital image. Library of Congress. Library of Congress, n.d. Web.
  • Changing the Game

    Changing the Game
    Two wooden Union ships are sunk, and another is called to a draw by the Confederate Ironclad 'Merrimac.' This changes the whole idea of naval warfare, ruling out wooden ships.
    Image: Monitor vs Merrimackk Battle. Digital image. Historylink101. Historylink101, n.d. Web.
  • Surprise at Shiloh

    Surprise at Shiloh
    Battle of ShilohA surprise confederate attack on uprepared troops at Shiloh, along the Tennessee river left 13,000 Union killed or injured, and 10,000 Confederates killed or injured. These casualties were more than any previous American war combined.
    Image: The Battle of Shiloh. Digital image. Civil War Trust. Civil War Trust, n.d. Web. <
  • Full Speed Ahead

    Full Speed Ahead
    17 Union ships sail the Mississippi River, taking over New Orleans, the South's biggest port. When sailing through a rebel mine field later on, the commanding officer speaks the now famous phrase, "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!"
    Image: New Orleans in the American Civil War. Digital image. Wikipedia. Wikipedia, n.d. Web.
  • Battle of Seven Pines

    Battle of Seven Pines
    General Johnstons army attacks McClellan's troops in front of Richmond.
    Image: Battle of Seven Pines. Digital image. Wikipedia. Wikipedia, n.d. Web.
  • Second Battle of Bull Run

    Second Battle of Bull Run
    75,000 Federals perish face defeat by 55,000 Conferederates in northern Virginiga. The Union Army retreats back to Washington as they did before, and the president relieves the Pope.
    Image: Second Battle of Bull Run. Digital image. Wikipedia. Wikipedia, n.d. Web.
  • Antietam

    This day is recognized as the bloodiest day in U.S. Military history, a total of 26,000 men dead, injured, or missing. Confederate Armies were stopped at Antietam, Maryland by Union forces in much greater numbers. After the massive death toll, they retreat back to Virginia.
    Image: Antietam: A Savage Day in American History. Digital image. WUNC. WUNC, n.d. Web.
  • The Big Draft

    The Big Draft
    The Preliminary Draft of the Emancipation Proclamaiton to free the slaves is issued by president Lincoln.
    Image: Emancipation Proclamation. Digital image. American Treasures of the Library of Congress. American Treasures of the Library of Congress, n.d. Web.
  • Fredericksburg

    The Army of Potomac suffers a loss of 12,653 men in Virginia after a loss from 14 assaults on rebels. The Confederates lose 5,309.
    Image: Battle of Fredericksburg. Digital image. Son of the South. Son of the South, n.d. Web.
  • Freedom At Last

    Freedom At Last
    The final draft of the Emancipation Proclamation is issued by President Lincoln freeing all slaves in Confederate states and encourages these newly-freed slaves to enlist in the army.
    Image: 10 Facts about the Emancipation Proclamation. Digital image. Civil War Trust. Civil War Trust, n.d. Web.
  • Loss of Great Proportions

    Loss of Great Proportions
    The Union Army is defeated by a much smaller army of Confederates in Virginia. The Union has 17,000 out of 130,000 missing, wounded, or killed. Confederates lose 13,000 out of 60,000.
    Image: Civil War Battles. Digital image. MrKash. MrKash, n.d. Web.
  • Gettysburg Campaign

    Gettysburg Campaign
    75,000 Confederates launch their second invsion of the North, into Pensylvannia. This will lead to Gettysburg.
    Image: Gettysburg Campaign. Digital image. Wikipedia. Wikipedia, n.d. Web.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    Battle of Gettysburg The war turns against the South when the Union defeats the Confederates at the Battle of Gettysburg in Pensylvannia.
    Image: Battle of Gettysburg. Digital image. Citelighter. Citelighter, n.d. Web.
  • Split in Half

    Split in Half
    The Union gains control of MIssissippi after the last Confederate stronghold surrenders to the Army of the West after 6 weeks. This effectively splits the Confederacy in half.
    Image: Civil War Traveler: Mississippi. Digital image. Civil War Traveler. Civil War Traveler, n.d. Web.
  • Equality for the Troops

    Equality for the Troops
    Preseident Lincooln meets with Frederick Douglas, an abolisionist, to talk about equal rights for every African-American Union solider.
    Image: Frederick Douglass. Digital image. Wikipedia. Wikipedia, n.d. Web.
  • New Guy in Town

    New Guy in Town
    The president gives General Grant the heavy duty of controlling everything in the western theater.
    Image: Ulysses S. Grant. Digital image. Wikipedia. Wikipedia, n.d. Web.
  • The Great Address

    The Great Address
    Gettysburg AddressPresident Lincoln delivers a 2 minute speech that will be looked back upon for generations to come, titled the Gettysburg Address. He dedicates the battlefield as a National Cemetary.
    Image: The Gettysburg Address. Digital image. Politics USA. Politics USA, n.d. Web. <
    as a National Cemetary.
  • Chattanooga

    The siege of Chattanooga by the rebels ends as their army is defeated. This battle contains one of the most dramatic moments throughout the whole war, as they yelled "Chickamauga! Chickamauga!", Union troops storm up Missionary RIdge and clear out the rebels.

    Image: Battle of Missionary Ridge. Digital image. Wikipedia. Wikipedia, n.d. Web.
  • Promotion

    President Lincoln appointed General Grant to further lead all United States armies.
    Image: Ulysses S. Grant. Digital image., n.d. Web.
  • Cold Harbour

    Cold Harbour
    An astounding 7,000 Union soldiers are killed within 20 minutes during a defence against rebels in Virginia.
    Image: Battles of Cold Harbor. Digital image., n.d. Web.
  • New Nominations

    New Nominations
    George B. McClellan is nominated by the democrats to run for president against Abraham Lincoln.
    Image: George B. McClellan. Digital image. Wikipedia. Wikipedia, n.d. Web.
  • Atlanta is Ours

    Atlanta is Ours
    The Union army wins over Atlanta in a fair battle. This win helps push Lincoln's presidential campagin forward.
    Image: Atlanta during the Civil War. Digital image. Civil War Photos. Civil War Photos, n.d. Web.
  • Lincoln's Second Term

    Lincoln's Second Term
    President Lincoln wins the election and is sworn in again with 55 percent of the popular vote.
    Image: Abraham Lincoln's Second Term as President. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web.
  • Towards the Sea

    Towards the Sea
    A Rebel army of 23,000 is defeated at Nashville by a Federalist army of close to 55,000, including African-American troops. The Confederate Army at Tennessee is no longer an effective fighting force.
    Image: Battle of Nashville. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web.
  • Thirteenth Amendment

    Thirteenth Amendment
    Congress approves the Thirteenth Amendment to abolish slavery for good, and is submitted to the states for ratification.
    Image: Thirteenth Amendment Ratified. Digital image. Whitmer. Whitmer, n.d. Web.
  • The Second Inauguration

    The Second Inauguration
    Second Inaugural SpeechLincoln is inaugurated as president for the second time, delivering a powerful speech.
    Image: Lincoln's Second Inauguration. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. <'s_Second_Inauguration>.
  • The Fall of Richmond

    The Fall of Richmond
    General Grant's Union forces advance through Petersburg, leaving General Ambrose P. Hill dead. Fires break out and looting occurs, however, Union troops move in th enext day to raise the flag.
    Image: The Fall of Richmond. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web.
  • Surrender to the Union

    Surrender to the Union
    The Confederate Army under General Robert E. Lee surrenders to General Grant's Union Army.
    Image: Confederate Surrender. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web.
  • Celebrations

    End of war celebrations break out throughout the north.
    Image: Cattle Fair Hotel. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web.
  • Lincoln's Assasination

    Lincoln's Assasination
    At 10:13pm while watching a play with his wife, President Lincoln is shot in the head by John Wilkes Booth. He is taken into a house across the street, but he never regains consciousness.
    Image: Mary Todd Lincoln. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web.
  • Death of a Great

    Death of a Great
    President Abraham Lincoln dies at 7:22am, and Vice President Andrew Johnson takes over the presidency.
    Image: The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web.
  • Unite the Nation

    Unite the Nation
    The last Confederate forces surrender, once again bringing the Union together as the Civil War ends with a death toll of nearly 620,000 American citizens.
    Image: Conclusion of the American Civil War. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web.
  • Slavery is Abolished

    Slavery is Abolished
    The Thirteenth Amendment is finally ratified, and slavery is abolished forever.
    Image: The Thirteenth Amendment. Digital image. Great American History. N.p., n.d. Web.