Fort sumter
This was were the first shots were fired. it was this attack that lead lincoln to take hostile action agnist the Confederate forces. the confederates won this battle and started the war. -
Period: to
Civil war
Battle of Bull Run
Was the first real battle of the civil war. The south claimed victory proving to the union that they should not be underestiemated. after this battle president Lincoln started signing up men for 4 year services. -
Battle of Hampton Roads
The Confedrat forces led by Capt. Franklin Buchanan and Lt. Catesby R. Jones led an attack on the union blockcade protected by Lt. John Worden and his union forces. The Unoin clamied over theConfederate ironclad Virginia. This is an important even in the Civil war because it was the first time the confederats used an iron clad. -
Battle of Shiloh
This was an important event of the Civil War because it was after that battle that both sides relized that it would not be an easy victory for ethier of them. the Union won this battle but suffered heavyer losses then the confederacy. -
2nd Battle of Bull Run
This battle was exactly just a continue of the first one. -
Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse
The confederate forces led by General Lee met with the Union forces led by General Grant at Appomattox Courthouse Vigina to disscus the surrender of the confederecy. Lee and his men were sent home on parol after surrendering all other equipment besides their firearm and horses. This is an important even of the Civil War becasue it ended the war.