
The amazing life of renata

  • When i was born

    When i was born
    I born in Pachuca Hgo .on 28 july of 2003 on the Beneficiencia Española at nigh. My parents call me Renata but my Dad want to call me.regina and my mom want to call me claudia but they finally decide and they put me renata . And when i born friends of my mom they give me a lot of things and clothes .
  • My first dog

    My first dog
    My first dog i meat was a Grandanes arlequin his name was cooper and we have to him like 2 years.First we put him scooby doo but then We decide to put cooper. He was very mischebious so we give to a friend of my parents and i missed a lot because he was my first dog .
  • My graduation party

    My graduation party
    I was in my graduation of 6th grade. Was a very important day to me because i will be not anymore on primary. The party was on aleria i went with all the generation of 6th grade and with all my friends, we take photos , we play and we dance was a very funny ,specia, and best day of my life.
  • My birthday

    My birthday
    I invite my friends and parents. My mom buy me a came of m&m's and it was very delicious . Then we go to the cinema and i i was 12 years old . The other day i wake up and i see a dog in the room of my brother so i tell to my father and he told me that it was a gift of birthday and i was very excited .
  • My actual dog

    My actual dog
    The name of my dog is toffe she is a husky she is a girl. She have 3 months but she is very hyperactive shes birthday is in 14 of july.My father giveme of birthday and i i have it like one month.When my father give it to me she sleep almsot all the day but she was very heavy and she still, but she is like my favorite dog i ever had.