The Amazing History of Today's Technology

  • How I viewed in movies

    How I viewed in movies
    The first family TV I remember and would watch most movies
  • The first phone I used

    The first phone I used
    Growing up we had a phone exactly like this. It the only phone, as children we were allowed to use, other than the one in our parents bedroom.
  • First family computer

    First family computer
    The first family computer I remember having that wasn't my dad's for work.
  • Communicated to distant relatives

    Communicated to distant relatives
    Whenever I was younger and wanted to talk to my family members that lived in different states my parents would have me write them a letter because of the long distance charge on our landline.
  • Movies in the early 2000's

    Movies in the early 2000's
    How we watched movies in the early 2000's to present
  • Able to email distant relatives

    Able to email distant relatives
    When email came out and was popular I was able to communicate to my family members out of state a lot easier and faster.
  • My first cell phone

    My first cell phone
    My parents offered to buy me a cell phone as a way to not get a new dog after putting mine down.
  • How I communicate to family now

    How I communicate to family now
    Since receiving my first cell phone in 2005 I have been able to communicate with my long distance family in a much quicker and almost pain free way.
  • Family computer

    Family computer
    A family Christmas present from "Santa" came with windows XP
  • The new family computer

    The new family computer
    New and improved.
  • How I watch movies/TV now

    How I watch movies/TV now
    I have access to TV/Movies anywhere as long as I have my laptop or tablet.
  • My cell phone now

    My cell phone now
    Upgraded after my last phone died on me.