Period: Jan 1, 1300 to
Some dates on Strawberry agriculture
May 1, 1300
The wood strawberry
By the 1300's the strawberries was in the culture of Europe, when the french began to transplanting the wood strawberry from the wilderness to the gardens. -
Dec 1, 1500
The musky strawberry
At the end of the 1500's the musky strawberry was also in the culture in the European gardens. -
Grew wild
Starwberries grew in Italyas long ago of 234 B.C. And were discovered in Virgina by the first Europeans when their ships landedthere in 1588. In Massachusetts, local American Indians cultivated strawberries as early as 1643. -
The Virginia Strawberry
In the 1600's the Virginia strawberry of North America reached Europe. It started to be appreaited in the late 1700's to the early 1800's. -
Where did it start growing in the U.S.?
The strawberries started to grow in California since the early 1900's -
Economic tributes
In 2010, strawberrys surpased apples to become third among fruits in their economic contribute on to agriculute in the U.S, after grapes and oranges. -
In 2014 more than 2.3 billion pounds of strawberries were harvested in California.