John Kay’s flying shuttle
In previous looms, the shuttle was thrown, or passed, through the threads by hand, and wide fabrics required two weavers seated side by side passing the shuttle between them. Kay mounted his shuttle on wheels in a track and used paddles to shoot the shuttle from side to side when the weaver jerked a cord. -
Period: to
First Industrial revolution
James Watt’s steam engine
American independence
American revolution gave the bourgoisie new ideas to help them confront absolutism. -
Adam Smith publishes The Wealth of Nations
The central thesis of Smith's "The Wealth of Nations" is that our individual need to fulfill self-interest results in societal benefit, in what is known as his "invisible hand". -
American constitution
The declaration of independence of the US and its constitution defeaded the inerable rights of the citizen, separation of powers, the principles of equality and freedom and the right to elect a goverment -
Invention of the power loom
The first power loom was designed in 1787 by Edmund Cartwright and first built in 1787. It was refined over the next 47 years until a design by Kenworthy and Bullough made the operation completely automatic. -
Storming of the Bastille
The Bastille was used as a prison and represented the king´s absolute power -
Period: to
French revolution
The revolution was caused by two main factors:- ECONOMIC CRISIS: Result of a series of pour harvests since 1760
Caused by the monarchy lack of money. -
Period: to
Constitutional Monarchy
Driven by moderate bourgoisie, who aspired to abolished the Acien Régime, elect a parlimment by selective suffrage and established a constitution. -
Aceptance of The National Assembly
The representatives of the third state met in a pavillion in Versailles and proclaimed themselves The National Assembly. Louis XVI frighteined for the situation accepted the national assembly and france became a constitutional monarchy. -
Women’s March on Versailles
From Paris’ markets, thousands of angry women (due to high prices of food), marched to Versailles. They forced the king to abandon his palace and go to Tuileries Palace in Paris. -
Civil Constitution of clergy
Subordination of the French Catholic Church to the
French government (instead of to the papacy):
bishops and priest have to be elected -
Flight to Varennes
The Royal family tried to escape from Paris, to
initiate a counter-revolution, but
they were arrested by National
Guard This episode increase tension
between monarchists and
republicans and the king started to been seen as a traidor to the nation´s eyes. -
Rrussia and Holy Roman Empire help Louis XVI
Absolute monarchies, afraid of the spread of liberalism,
declare their intention to fight against French Revolution -
First Women´s club
Women´s clubs get their names from political organisations that were created for diferent revolucionary groups. At the assembly decrees were reed and discused.Criticisms and propolsals were presented. Many revolutionaries did not accept this new leading role for women. -
Declaration of Rights of Women
Written by Olympe de Gouges in which she demands equal rights and the right to get a divorce. -
1º France Constitution
The French Constitution of 1791, the first written constitution in French history, was promulgated by the National Constituent Assembly on September 3, 1789 and accepted by Louis XVI.1 It contained the reform of the French State, leaving France configured as a constitutional monarchy . This was based in separation of powers, national sovereingty and legal equality, thought the king reserved the right of veto. Census sufragge was also introduced. -
Arrival of the monarchy allies
Austrian and Russian army reached Paris -
Divorce allowence
Law authorises divorce and declares equal rights between spouses -
National Convention
Was new assembly elected by universal male suffrage. -
Period: to
The girondin Convention
The Girondins, the more moderated Bourgoisie controlled the republic. -
Period: to
Social Republic
Ruled by the radical bourgeoise encouraged by the working classes , proclaimed the republic and began a transformation into democratic and equal society with universal male suffrage and social laws. -
declaration of war to Austria and Russia
Legislative Assembly declares war to Austria
and Prussia -
storming of Tuleries Palace
the betrayal by the king and the military invasion led to the revolt of saint-culottes. they stormed the Tuleries palace and prisioned the king. -
Cancelation of Women´s Clubs
Women´s clubs are banned -
2º Constitution (Jacobins)
Stands by:
- republican
- popular sovereignty (universal male suffrage)
- social equality -
Period: to
The Jacobin Convention
In 1793, Jcobins who were the most radical sector of bourgeoise, endorsed the demands of popuar sectors and seized power. -
Execution of Louis XIV
This brought several consecuences:- Formation of an absolutist coalition in Europe to
fight against revolutionaries - Counter-revolutionary revolts in the countryside
- Royalist plots by privileged classes
- Formation of an absolutist coalition in Europe to
Execution of Marie Antoniette
Period: to
The Conservative Republic
Moderate burgeoise took back control of the revolution an entered its third and final phase. Jacobin laws were cancelled and exiles were encoraged to return. The directory was permantly unstable. -
Rockespierre Execution
Lider of the Jacobins, executed by the people due to dictatorial govermment, Reign of terror and the suspension of freedoms. -
Women political prohibitions
Women were prohibited from attending political assemblies and for gathering in the street in numbers grater than 5 -
3º Constitution
granted executive power to the Directory and restored census suffrage. -
return of exilies
Period: to
Napoleonic Period
Period: to
The Consulate
Autocratic and authoritarian rule
• Objectives:
1. Ø political instability of the
2. Consolidation of some of the
revolutionary principles
3. Economic recovery through a
government that represented the
interest of the bourgeoisie -
Coup of 18th Brumaire
In this context of crisis Napoleon Bonaparte organised
a coup supported by a large part of the
bourgeoisie and started and authoritarian rule. -
Napoleon's coronation
Napoleon as crowned emperor by the pope. -
Period: to
Napoleonic Empire
Napoleon began his conquest of Europe and was crowned emperor, he defeated most European monarchies -
Austerlitz battle
After victory over Austria and Russia, the French troops seemed unstoppable -
Treaty of Fontainebleau
allowed French troops to pass trough
Spain to invade Portugal. -
Spain Invasion
Spain was invaded and Joseph Bonaparte, Napoleon's brother was
made king. -
Failure of his invasion of Russia
Abdications of Bayonne
The Abdications of Bayonne took place on 7 May 1808 in the castle of Marracq in Bayonne when the French emperor Napoleon I forced two Spanish kings Charles IV and his son, Ferdinand VII. -
Period: to
War of Independence
War of Independence -
Revolt in Spain
Spanish people organized a revolt against Joseph Bonaparte -
Spanish Constitution
Treaty of Valençay
, Treaty between Napoleon and King Ferdinard VII of Spain, signed in an attempt to extract France from Spain. -
Manifiesto de los Persas
Period: to
Reign of Ferdinand VII
Napoleon deafeat
Imperial armies were defeated in Waterloo by
Great Britain and Prussia. Napoleon abdicated and was sent to exiled to Saint Helena https://youtu.be/Sj_9CiNkkn4
https://youtu.be/-VceCMPXskk -
Congress of Vienna
This congress organixed by the Ausrian Chancelor, Metternich had as objectives the stop of spreading liberal thinking and the restauration of absolute monarchy as a form off govermment. https://youtu.be/cmaPv9GVf9c -
Period: to
The Restoration
The four great powers (Russia, Britain, Prussia and Austria) reshaped the European map. -
Consequences: - Holy Alliance Treaty (1815): Absolute monar
This treaty reconized that Absolute
monarchs would unite against any threat of
liberal revolution (Russia, Prussia & Austria) and a Change of borders and political powers in
Europe. -
Pronunciamiento of Colonel Rafael del Diego
Period: to
Greek War of Independence (1821-1829)
Greace was Part of the Ottoman Empire for
centuries. However they had to pay high taxes and they were Excluded from state administration jobs and the people in the power didn't had the same eligon an culture as the greeks. -
Greece declaration of independence
Greeks declared independence which was not not recognized
by the Turks. -
Hundred Thousand Sons of Saint Louis
The Hundred Thousand Sons of Saint Louis was the popular name for a French army mobilized in 1823 by the Bourbon King of France, Louis XVIII, to help the Spanish Royalists restore King Ferdinand VII of Spain to the absolute power of which he had been deprived during the Liberal Triennium. -
Battle of Navarino
Greek victory thanks to French and British military intervention help -
The Revolutionarywave of 1830
The Congress of Vienna did not respect the
liberal principles or the nationalist aspirations of
some European peoples. The movement began in France and insurrections
spread all over Europe, with a significant popular
support In France, Charles X (absolute monarch)
was overthrown and substituted by the
constitutional monarch Louis Philippe I. -
Greek Independence
Recognized independence -
Period: to
The Belgian Revolution
Period: to
first carlist war
It began in the Basque Country lead by the
experienced commander Zumalacárregui, who was defetated by the Liberal army
of General Espartero. Peace was signed at the Convention of Vergara. -
Period: to
Regin of Isabella II
. Prussia created a customs union
(Zollverein) -
Grand National Consolidated Trades Union
The Grand National Consolidated Trades Union of 1834 was an early attempt to form a national union confederation in the United Kingdom. -
1837 Spanish Constitution
Firrst democratic constitution written in spain.
National sovereignty with census suffrage
- Separation of powers
- Two chambers: the Congress of Deputies and the Senate
- Granted many rights and individual liberties -
Belgian independence
1830 -39: Armed conflict
after Belgium’s declaration of
independence -
1845 Spanish Constitution
This constitution created in the Moderate decade was much more moderate, but it had last the longuest time in spanish history.
- Highly restricted suffrage
- Civil liberties were restricted
- Sovereignty shared between the Cortes and the Crown
- Reorganisation of State and municipal administration. Only
the Basque Country and Navarre held on their statutory laws
(fueros) -
Prussia king's rejection
1st freely elected parliament offered the
crown of Germany to the king of Prussia, who
refused it -
The Spring of Nations
People lived under the rule of an empire (Austrian, Russian and Ottoman) or were fragmented into various states (Germany and Italy)
strart beliveing in the Rise of liberalism, expansion of nationalism what develop in pursuit of independent Nations free from the control of absolutist empires. -
Invention of the Bessemer converter
The Bessemer process was the first inexpensive industrial process for the mass production of steel from molten pig iron before the development of the open hearth furnace. The key principle is removal of impurities from the iron by oxidation with air being blown through the molten iron. The oxidation also raises the temperature of the iron mass and keeps it molten. -
Kingdom of Piedmont
Was ruled by the liberal monarchy of Savoy with Cavour as Prime Minister,started the unification. -
Period: to
Unification of Italy
Victor Manuel's coronation
Victor Manuel II of Savoy proclaimed king of
Italy -
King Wihlelm I coronation
New political figures in Prussia: King
Wilhelm I and Otto von Bismarck as chancellor -
Period: to
Unification of Germany (1861-1871)
First International
Austria left Venetia
Karl Marx publishes Das Kapital (1867)
Das Kapital, also known as Capital. A Critique of Political Economy is a foundational theoretical text in materialist philosophy, economics and politics by Karl Marx.[ -
Proclamation of the First spanish Republic
The Republic's founding started with the abdication as King on 10 February 1873 of Amadeo I.
The next day, 11 February, the republic was declared by a parliamentary majority made up of monarchists. -
Creation of Papal States
The Papal states were annexed and Rome became the capital -
Start of Ameadeo I monarchy
Amadeo of Savoy was chosen to take the throne, supported by progressives,
unionists and democrats. Measures to help economic recovery and democratisation process.
A few days before its arrival, his main supporter, General Prim, was
assassinated. «Si fueran extranjeros los enemigos de España... pero son todos españoles» -
First Reich
Proclamation of the Second German
Empire (or Reich) with Wilhelm I as Kaiser -
Period: to
- Reign of Alfonso XII
Stephenson’s Steam locomotive
Second International
The Second International was an organisation of socialist and labour parties, formed on 14 July 1889 at a Paris meeting in which delegations from twenty countries participated. The Second International continued the work of the dissolved First International, though excluding the powerful anarcho-syndicalist movement and trade unions.