• 1500

    Queen Elizabeth

    Queen Elizabeth
    England was ruled by a Tudor monarchy in the 1500s ( Editors). Their last Tudor era was Queen Elizabeth I, ruling for 50 years and being one of the most powerful Queens ( Editors). She had also headed a glorious era of British history ( Editors).
  • 1500

    English Divine Right (Roundheads)

    English Divine Right (Roundheads)
    The Roundheads, their leader was a stern, military man named Oliver Cromwell ( Editors). Cromwell thoroughly trained his Puritan troops before leading them into combat ( Editors). His troops, the "Ironsides," went into battle against the poorly trained Cavaliers ( Editors).
  • Establishment of Congress

    Establishment of Congress
    The Congressman tried to stay as loyal Englishmen for a while ( Editors). They attempted to complete this task by petitioning their king for redress of their grievances ( Editors). But after this Conditions did not improve ( Editors).
  • Monarchs

    France was an unstable and limited monarchy ( Editors). With Louis XV being an absolute monarch, France was troubled ( Editors). There was nothing anybody could do because the U.S. Constitution had not been made yet ( Editors).
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    English Revolution

    The Parliament ended the English Revolution ( Editors). The Revolution consisted of the Cavaliers and the Roundheads ( Editors). The English Revolution placed the reins of British power in the hands of Parliament and gave her people a welcome voice in determining their future ( Editors).
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    Louis XV

    Louis XV was a very lazy king and had an attitude towards his people ( Editors). He had split the people of France up into three classes, the clergy, the nobles, and the middle-class/peasants ( Editors). His grandson, Louis XVI had been Louis's successor and he had taken over France from Louis XV ( Editors).
  • French and Indian War.

    French and Indian War.
    The French and Indian war had mainly started over the greed for the upper Ohio River, and its land ( Editors). This war was also named the Seven Years War ( Editors). England had entered the war and had eventually won taking over most of the new world ( Editors).
  • Meeting of Colonial Representatives

    Meeting of Colonial Representatives
    This was also known as the Albany Convention, held in 1754 ( Editors). Representatives had come in from many states to form a plan ( Editors). They held a meeting in a secret session, the body rejected a plan for reconciling British authority with colonial freedom ( Editors).
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    Louis XVI

    Louis XVI was the grandson and successor of Louis XV and had taken over France to try and fix what Louis XV had done to the country ( Editors). Louis XVI tried to fix the country, but the people of France knew he couldn't due to his stubbornness and hesitation due to making decisions ( Editors). Louis XVI put forth a plan he hoped would be successful in halting the critical economic slide ( Editors)
  • Napoleon's reign over France

    Napoleon's reign over France
    Napoleon Bonaparte had reigned over France for many years, and he had conquered it in 1799 ( Editors). Many people loved the fact that Napoleon had conquered France because it brought so much goodness to France ( Editors). Napoleon had eventually been stopped by the French government but came back to take control a few years later ( Editors).