Pedro Cabral Claims Brazil
Portuguese sea captain Pedro Cabral landed in South America and established their claim to the region, later called Brazil. -
Díaz's Shortcoming
Bartholomew Días died after rounding Cape of Good Hope and encountering a storm. He was the first European mariner to round the southern tip of Africa, and he opened the way for a sea route from Europe to Asia. -
Period: 1500 to
The Age Of Exploration
Chris Departs
Christopher Columbus departs from Spain on his last voyage with four ships and arrives at Hispaniola. He died 4 years later, having accomplished many things (most taken place in the late 1400's). Most noticeably, he is credited for discovering America and the sailing route for it. -
Portuguese Armadas
The 4th Portuguese armada was sent to India and was under the command of explorer Vasco Da Gama. -
Slave Transport
A Spanish ship carried the first enslaved Africans from west africa to the Americas. -
Ferdinand Sets Sail
Ferdinand Magellan set sail from Spain with the purpose of finding a sea passage through the Americas, as well as fame. This was the world's first succesfull circumnavigation. -
Cortez's Alliances
Hernan Cortes and his Spanish force landed in veracruz, Mexico. They made alliances with the city-states who were tired of the Aztecs rule, of which Tlaxcala was the most important. They arrived in Tenochtitlan and were greeted by Moctezuma, the Aztec king. With a disadvantage in weapons and an unprepared exposure to diseases,the Aztecs stood no chance and surrendered 4 months later. After the fall, the spanish expanded their empire through all of Mexico. -
The Full World Sailor
Ferdinand Magellan passed through the tip of south America, now known as the Strait of Magellan. He was killed by indigenous people when the fleet reached the Philippines and only one of his ships made it back to Spain. He is remembered as the first person to sail around the world. -
Italian Discoveries
Giovanni de Verrazano, an Italian navigator from France, discovered the New York harbor. -
Pizarro's Bloody Forthcoming
Francisco Pizarro landed on the Pacific coast of South America with around 180 men. The diseases they brought wiped villages out and even took the life of the emperor. Both the emperor’s sons claimed the throne, which stirred a civil war and chaos which Pizarro took advantage of. Pizzarro, his men, and Inca allies captured Cuzco, the capital, and established a new one at Lima. -
Cartier's Discovery
French mariner and explorer Jacques Cartier discovered the St. Lawrence river while being guided by two natives he had seized. -
Scarce Numbers
Less than 500 Native Americans by this time had survuved the exposure to diseases, among other things. -
The Dutch Rebuttal
The first Dutch fleet arrived in India. Shortly after, the Dutch formed the East India Company and slowly surpassed and pushed the Portugese from the spice trade in Southeast Asia. -
The Virginia Company from London established Jamestown in Virginia. -
The First Of The French
Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec which was the first French settlement in the Americas. -
Hudson's Findings
Henry Hudson, an English sailor, goes on his third voyage on behalf of the Dutch East India Company and explores North America as a commander. He was later abbandoned with his son and some crew members in Hudson Bay aftertheir ship was stranded during a harsh winter. -
Drake's Findings
After being blown off course, into the open sea, Francis Drake discovered the Cape Horn route. -
West India Co.
The Dutch West India Company is founded. -
Baby Booms
During the Qing Dynasty, there was a population explosion due to the export of American crops to China which created new markets. -
Quakers' Voice
The Quakers show disapproval of slavery and the feeling becomes prevalent. This took place through out the entirety of the 1700's -
Northwest Ordinance
Northwest Ordinance bans slavery in the northwest territory of the United States. Its main goal is to set the requirements for admission of new states into the Union and grants equality among them. -
Viva Le Revolution
French revolution takes place, starting in 1789 and ending in 1799. The French abolish slavery.