Indian Independance
When India gained indeoendence it ended about 200 years of British rule.So wehn it became independent their were some confuscins on where the muslims and the hindus were ti go . That ended in a lot of blood shed. -
Creation of Israel
The Jewish Agency Chairman declared that their was a jewish state to the called Israel in Palestine. They got 55% of the land in palestine. -
Berlin Airlift
because of the division of east and west Germany and Berlin bing on the soviets little part of Germany the U.S. flies supplies to the peole in berlin since the Soviets blocked all other ways of tranportation -
Formation of NATO
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) formed with the U.S. and 11 other nations. Its goals were to stop the Soviets from causing trouble with western Europe. -
Cuban Missle Crisis
Soveits had nuclear missles in cuba, which is 90 miles off of florida, so the U.S. got really nervous and blocked cuba.Then made an agreement to remove nuclear missle in turkey (next to the Sovists) and blockade, if the Soviets would remove nuclear missles from cuba. -
Arab-Israeli conflict of 1967
A war that the Jews started because of Arab coalition threats. It lasted a total of 6 days and the Jews ended up with gaining more land from the Palestines. -
Ayatollah Khomeini is Supreme leader of Iran
After being exiled from Iran by the shah, he worked with supporters to overthrow him and when the shah flead( in fear of his life) Ayatollah Khomeini came back and was declared hero and leader of Iran. -
Assassination of Egyption President Sadat
Died by open fire, by gunmen, while in a military parade. He waskilled right after he signed to recognize Israel as a state. -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
The East German Communist party declared thet the citizens of east Berlin were now alowed to cross the border and go in and out of west Berlinthe next day people brought tools and stings to help tear down this wall. -
Collapse of the Soviet Union
11 republics of the USSR (Soviet Union) wanted to break free from the USSR and become indepndent to govern themself. That left on republic left with Russia, so gorbachev resigned from office, ending the USSR.