
The Advances of the Nazis

By abbeyb7
  • Creation of the Dachau Concentration Camp

    Creation of the Dachau Concentration Camp
    Nazis created the Dachau concentration camp and began arresting Communists, Socialists, and labor leaders.
  • Laws Banned Jews from Proffesions

    Laws Banned Jews from Proffesions
    Laws were passed, banning Jews from holding positions in the civil service, teaching/university positions, legal professions, and medical professions. Jewish shops/businesses were boycotted and there were public burnings of books written by Jewish authors.
  • Nazis Issue a Decree Distinguishing Aryans from Non-Aryans

    Nazis Issue a Decree Distinguishing Aryans from Non-Aryans
    "anyone descended from non-Aryan, especially Jewish, parents or grandparents. One parent or grandparent classifies the descendant as non-Aryan...especially if one parent or grandparent was of the Jewish faith."
  • Nazis Ban Jews from Serving in the Military

    Nazis Ban Jews from Serving in the Military
    In an attempt to exterminate Jews from society, Hitler goes to another level by looking at soldiers' ancestry and if they had any Jewish heritage, kicking them out of the military.
  • The Nuremberg Race Laws were created

    The Nuremberg Race Laws were created
    These laws took away Jews' citizenship forcing them to become subjects, while forbidding them to marry citizens of the Aryan race.
  • Berlin Olympics

    Berlin Olympics
    The Nazis refused to let German-Jews participate in the Olympics.
  • Polish Jews are Kicked out of Germany and Poland

    Polish Jews are Kicked out of Germany and Poland
    17,000 Polish Jews living in Germany are arrested by Nazis, and forced to go back to Poland. Poland, however, does not let them in so the Jews are forced to live near the Polish border for quite a few months.