Teddy roosevelt becomes president

The Administration of Theodore Roosevelt

By ani_b
  • Birth

    Born & raised in New York City, to a wealthy family
  • Education

    Graduated from Harvard; studied natural history & graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts
  • Marriage

    Married first wife, Alice Hathaway Lee
  • Co-founds the Boone & Crockett Club

    Co-founds the Boone & Crockett Club
    Roosevelt & George Bird Grinnell found North America's first wildlife conservation foundation, leads to further environmental protection legislature & eventual creation of the national park system.
  • US Civil Service Commission

    Appointed by President Benjamin Harrison
  • NYC Board of Police Commissioners

    Elected president, fights against corruption in the justice system
  • US Navy Assistant Secretary

    Appointed by William McKinley
  • Elected Vice President

    Elected Vice President
    William McKinley runs for president with Roosevelt as his vice president; Roosevelt's reputation as a war hero helps them win!
  • Serves in Spanish American War

    Serves in Spanish American War
    Leaves US Navy & becomes colonel of 1st Volunteer Cavalry (aka Rough Riders) during the Spanish American War
  • Assassination of President McKinley

    Assassination of President McKinley
    President McKinley is shot by an anarchist while attending a political exposition in Buffalo, New York.
  • First presidential term begins

    Roosevelt fills the role of president after McKinley's unexpected death
  • Square Deal established

    A new domestic program developed by President Roosevelt; main goals were the 3 C's (conservation of natural resources, control of corporations, & consumer protections)
  • Publicly supports revolution in Panama

    Publicly supports revolution in Panama
    Support allows the construction process of the Panama Canal to start
  • Roosevelt Corollary established

    Roosevelt Corollary established
    Allows the United States to intervene in order to help stabilize economic issues on Central American & Caribbean territories
  • Second presidential term begins

    Re-elected to serve a second term as US President
  • Roosevelt presidency ends

    Roosevelt presidency ends
    Roosevelt resigns after 2 terms & William Taft enters office as America's 27th president
  • Survives assassination attempt

    President Roosevelt is shot during a campaign trail in Milwaukee, Wisconsin & survives.
  • Death

    Dies of pulmonary embolism in Cove Neck, New York