The Enduring Constitution

  • Expressed powers

    The Constitution gives expressed powers to congress in article 1, section 8
  • Period: to

    Congressional Powers

  • implied powers

    Supreme court upholds the concept of implied powers, declaring that the powers to tax, borrow and regulate commerce to establish a national bank
  • Immigration

    supreme court rejects state efforts to regulate immigradtion, declaring it a congressional issue
  • Legal Tender

    The U.S. Gov issues uts first legal tender notes which are popularly called Greenbacks
  • Monopolies

    The Sherman antitrust act based on the commerce power regulates monopolies and other practices that limit competition
  • Wagner Act

    The Wagner Act based on the commerce power recognizes labor right to bargain collectively THe social security act is passed
  • Highway system

    The interstate and national highway act based on the commerce and war powers provides for a national interstate highway system
  • Health Care

    Congress amends the social securtiy act of 1935 to create medicare which covers hospital and other health care cost of the elderly
  • Impaired

    The americans with disabilities act, based on the commerce power prohibits discrimination against the physical impaired
  • Reserved powers

    In United states v. Lopez, The court strikes down the gun free school zone act of 1990 on the grounds that the federal gov invades reserved powers of the states with this legilation