Geneva Conference
This Conference was held to decide on what the world should do about Vietnams failing government. Also they needed to make sure that they stayed out of the Indochina. http://english.people.com.cn/mediafile/200908/27/P200908271528341129412281.jpg -
Brown vs. Board of Education
This court case followed up on the Plessy vs. Ferguson case which was based on school segregation. Many African American students were not allowed to go to the same school with white students. When the case was decided, there would no longer be segregation in schools. http://www.pbs.org/jefferson/enlight/images/be003716.jpg -
Montgomery Bus Boycott
This movement was started by a civil rights activist Rosa Parks who refused to give up her bus seat to a white man. Then in response all African Americans would decide to walk to work instead of riding the bus. The effect was the decision of no segregation on buses. http://unit8juliav11.wikispaces.com/file/view/bus.gif/226132516/bus.gif -
Little Rock Nine Crisis
This crisis was in Little Rock, Arkansas. A group of black students were threatend when going to school for the first day. Many of them were turned away by the states troops. Then President Eisenhower was involved and the students got a army escort which got them into the school. http://www.silvercreek.wclark.k12.in.us/studentwork/webprojects/WebProjects/civilrights/CRlittlerock9.jpg -
The Chicanos Movement
The main purpose in this movement was to insure the rights of Mexican Americans. This also was would restore their culture in the United States. http://depts.washington.edu/civilr/images/mecha/photos/Chicano%20Power%20001%20HBCLS%20crop250.jpg -
Televised Debates
This was the first ever televised presidential debates. This made the debates a whole different game. commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Kennedy_Nixon_Debat_(1960).jpg -
Election of JFK
The election was a time when the Americans believed that the country would move forward. The young new president was a great feeling for many of the Americans. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6e/JohnFK.png/150px-JohnFK.png -
Bay of Pigs
The Bay of Pigs was a rebellion to try to overthrow Castro. The United States sent in Cuban exiles to cause and uprising against their government. http://wlcentral.org/sites/default/files/imagepicker/3139/bayofpigs.jpg -
Freedom Rides
In response to the montgomery bus boycott case, many blacks rode interstate buses into the segregated south. Many of the stops, the people suffered from attacks and beatings. In the end thought the court case passed the non-segregation on buses. http://www.americanlegacymag.com/wordpress_mainblog/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/freedom_riders.jpg -
Cuban Missle Crisis
This was one of the worst Cold war efforts of all. The US found Russian missle stationed in Cuba which were aimed at the United States. 13 days passed and the two countries came to a comprimise. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9d/Soviet-R-12-nuclear-ballistic_missile.jpg/300px-Soviet-R-12-nuclear-ballistic_missile.jpg -
Gideon vs Wainwright Decision
This case dealt with the fact that everyone is able to have a lawyer. Also if you were poor, you were still given a lawyer to help defend your case. www.pbs.org/wnet/supremecourt/rights/images/gideon.jpg -
March on Washington
This march was a mass protest about the segregation in jobs. This was intended to spark a movement within Congress to pass a bill on this. Many famous civil rights speakers came and raised the morale for many African Americans. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a4/Bayard_Rustin_NYWTS_3.jpg/220px-Bayard_Rustin_NYWTS_3.jpg -
Diem's Assassination
The assassination of the Vietnamese leader Diem, was a conspiracy theory which the USA was involved in. The US were blamed for the attempted assassination. Later his palace was bombed in which he died. http://freedomforvietnam.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/chisingodinhdiem.jpg -
Kennedy Assassination
This was a dark time in our countries history as our young lively president was assassinated in Dallas, TX. The man who killed him was Lee Harvey Oswald, who was killed two days later. -
The Warren Commission
This committee was formed to look into the death of the president. There were many hearings and other testimonies heard to find out all they could to solve the mystery. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4b/WarrenReport-cover1.jpg/220px-WarrenReport-cover1.jpg -
Twenty-Fourth Amendment
This was an amendment that would ban poll taxes for people. The amendment aimed toward the Blacks because many of them were required to pay these horrible taxes. http://z2k.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Poll-tax-protesters-1990-006.jpg -
Tonkin Gulf Resolution
The resolution was a formal document that said the President Johnson could use military power on the Vietnamese.This was in response to Tonkin Gulf Incident. http://historymartinez.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/robert-mcnamara-tonkin-incident.jpg -
Anti-War Movements
There were many groups that had spoke out against the war movement. Many thought that it was unecessary. This led to violent displays of protests. http://www.boomerslife.org/anti-war_vietnam_war_protest_rally.jpg -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
This act stated that there would be no more segregation in employment and public accommodations. This was a big step forward for the activists. They still were not finished with their protests. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a9/Lyndon_Johnson_signing_Civil_Rights_Act,_July_2,_1964.jpg/220px-Lyndon_Johnson_signing_Civil_Rights_Act,_July_2,_1964.jpg http://historycms.house.gov/uploadedImages/Historical_Highlights/1951-2000/civil-rights-act-display.jpg -
Free Speech Movement
This movement was put up because of all the political protests on college campuses. In response the college students were award to have protests on college campuses. http://www.portlandoccupier.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/FreeSpeechMovement1964.jpg -
Johnsons Election
This election was a landslide for the former Vice President. He nearly won the whole US except for a few southern states that his opponent Barry Goldwater won. http://timenewsfeed.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/38.jpg?w=260 -
Operation Rolling Thunder
Operation Rolling Thunder was a bombing campaign in which President Johnson had taken forth in order to weaken the North Vietnamese campaign. http://cf067b.medialib.glogster.com/media/fa/facb209add3953d65185a5890898cdf631a81e81d8dff7744f9e49746d757f01/carpetbomb-1-jpg.jpg -
The Selma March
The Selma March was a march in which 600 African-Americans walked 54-miles out of Selma City. They were blocked off by many armed forces, and they were attacked. http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2012/03/05/learning/Mar07LN/Mar07LN-blog480.jpg -
Ho Chi Minh Trail
After the US had carried out Operation Thunder, President Johnson order US Troops to stop transportation on the Trail. This trail was used throughout the Vietnam War, in which acted as a medium to transfer troops and firepower. http://www.offroadvietnam.com/Images/tours/hochiminh.jpg -
Introduction of Medicare and Medicade
When medicare and medicade were passed, this allow many of the people who qualified health insurance. This helped out many families in the process. http://ncmuseumofhistory.org/exhibits/healthandhealing/elements/media/topic-media/LBJMedicare3_NOTIMAGETHATISINBOOK.jpg -
Voting Rights Act
This act made sure that any American citizen would have the right to vote. This was a huge accomplishment for many of the Civil Rights campaigners. http://www.core-online.org/historyphotos/voting_photo.jpg -
National Organization for Women
This organization was created by women because it was for them and gaining equal rights. They wanted to secure more rights for themselves. http://www.now.org/images/rounds/violence-diamond.gif -
Black Panther Party
This party was immensly involved in the movement towards civil rights. This group was very powerful and made a stand where ever they were. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/2/25/Black-Panther-Party-armed-guards-in-street-shotguns.jpg -
Summer of Love
This was a time when all of the hippies lived their life to the fullest, because many of them had children and did their LSD. In Autumn the season was over and all of them stopped what was going on. http://www.haightashburysanfrancisco.com/images/summeroflove.gif -
Kerner Commission
This was a commission created by President Johnson. The idea behind the Commission was to look into the 1967 race riots. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/images/race_relations/jan-june98/kerner01.gif -
Poor Peoples Campaign
The Campaign involveda a protest that all poor people should have equal rights. Since human rights was an issue for blacks, this campaign sparked ideas for many. http://breakingbrown.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/poor-peoples-campaign1.jpg -
Tet Offensive
This campaign was a response to overpowering South Vietnamese government. There were many civilian riots that had broke out. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_LoPTdkHrjjk/SHmp5zqbtiI/AAAAAAAAAUM/WSYhnr8Rxv8/s1600/tet+offensive+4.jpg -
American Indian Movement
This movement had involve the Indians in the Minnesota region. The purpose was to help them out of poverty and establish new connections with the United States. http://www.aics.org/aimed/aimaim.gif -
My Lai Massacre
This massacre was a murder of more than 400 non-armed Vietnamese natives by the "Charlie" Company. This was a horrible time for American to be happy about their Vietnam Veterans. http://www.kingsacademy.com/mhodges/03_The-World-since-1900/11_The-Bewildering-60s/pictures/LFE-306_My-Lai-massacre.jpg -
Assassination of Martin L. King
Martin Luther King was assassinated by James Earl Ray in Memphis, Tennesse. The murderer had fled the scene and a nationwide manhunt was put out to catch the man. http://www.maryferrell.org/wiki/images/d/d9/Photo_mlk_AidesOnBalcony.jpg -
Civil Rights Act of 1968
This act was an add to the civil rights act of 1964. This said that discrimination of the African-American groups would now be prohibited. The movement finally made a huge impact. http://ctorre439.edublogs.org/files/2012/05/Fair-Housing-Act-of-1968-23992oi.jpg -
Assassination of Robert Kennedy
Robert F. Kennedy was the brother of John F. Kennedy. After giving a speech, Robert Kennedy suffered a fatal shot from a man named Sirhan Sirhan http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01838/Robert-F_-Kennedy_1838259c.jpg -
Election of 1968
This election was between Richard Nixon and Hubert Humphrey. Richard Nixon had won with 301 electorial votes. LBJ had not wished to seek re-election at all. http://www.thepresidency.org/storage/richard_nixon_campaign_rally_1968.png -
This was the fair in which all of the hippies went to have a great time at. Many of them wanted the free and easy life. Woodstock was the best example of the music during the time. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/b/b7/Woodstock_poster.jpg/250px-Woodstock_poster.jpg -
La Raza Unida Party
This party was focused on the issue of the Chicanos nationalism ideas. They campaigned for the better housing and working conditions. http://www.umich.edu/~ac213/student_projects07/latfem/Images/image%202.jpg -
The Brown Berets
This group was all Chicanos that were radicals or political extremists. They were the military of the Chicano movement and are greatly known. http://www.freewebs.com/brownberets/brown-berets-1.jpg -
Twenty-sixth Amendment
This Amendment was the change of the voting age to Eighteen years old. This was better for American Men, because they could vote before they went off to war. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_7tR4eNxBAMo/TPvksuZtfEI/AAAAAAAAAAQ/i0mo7AZZB9w/s1600/26th.gif -
Founding of Operation PUSH
Jesse Jackson had founded this group which was protesting to the government non-violently. They focused mainly civil justice and wanted change. This group was very successful in their protests. http://www.blackpast.org/files/blackpast_images/Operation_Push.jpg -
Equal Rights Amendment
When congress adopted this bill, they weren't sure about how this was going to work. Eventually it did and women were given all the same rights that men had. http://cdn.thegloss.com/files/2011/06/march1.jpg -
War Powers Act
This act made sure that the president of the United States would have to consent with Congress when sending troops off to battle. They would also have only a so many days to pull through with their plans. http://img.timeinc.net/time/magazine/archive/covers/1971/1101710726_400.jpg