Week 1
-The beginning of the 40 week journey.
-The first week is also known as the last week a female will have her menstrual cycle for the duration of her pregnancy. -
Week 2
-The eggs conserved in a female's ovaries begin to prepare themselves for ovulation.
-After the eggs travels down the fallopian tubes they become subject to fertilization.
-Fertilization occurs after an egg from the female body, is penetrated by sperm ejaculated from a male. The egg is now fertilized. -
Week 3
-As fertilization occurs the egg begins to travel down the uterus and multiply.
-Right after fertilization the egg's gender is determined. Y chromosomes represent the male while the X chromosomes represent the female. -
Week 4
-The fertilized egg continues to multiply at a high speed as it gets closer and closer to the uterus.
-Implantation begins to occur and takes care of attaching the placenta to the uterine wall
-Soon after the implantation has occured, the blastocyst begins to produce the hormone of hCG.
-hCG helps in determining if the female is pregant when taking a pregnancy test. -
Week 5
-The egg, which has now developed into an embryo, has grown twice its beginning size.
-The embryo now begins to stimulate hormones that hint the female is pregnant.
-The placenta begins to grow -
Week 6
-During this week the first blood vessels begin to appear in the embryo
-Heart beat becomes present -
Week 7
-The baby is now developing it's main organs.
-The baby now measures 13mm. -
Week 8
-The baby's body continues to grow and is now at 18mm
-The baby will begin to show movement around the female's stomach and will begin to push on the mother's bladder. -
Week 9
-The growth of the baby becomes more detailed.
-The baby now has defined toes and fingers.
-Throughout the stages the baby is protected by a sac filled with fluid. -
Week 10
-The embryo is now referred to as a fetus and is the size of a strawberry.
-Each week from here on, the female's uterus will increase in size. -
Week 11
-The body of the fetus has now developed the toes and fingers fully.
-Fetus becomes very sensitive to touch. -
Week 12
-The fetus begins to move and the female can now feel it doing so.
-The fetus now develops occasional hiccups and is able to suck on it's own thumb. -
Week 13
-The baby begins to flex and move its legs.
-Bones now begin to replace cartilage in the baby's body -
Week 14
-Baby's bones are getting bigger and stronger by the days.
-Hormones begin to appear and differ whether the child is a boy or a girl. -
Week 15
-The baby continues to show growth in movement.
-The finger and toe nails are now present -
Week 16
-At this stage the baby can now hear voices and van even feel the mothers dreams.
-Underneath the skin of the deveolping fetus, fat begins to grow. -
Week 17
-The umbilical cord gets thicker and stronger
-The eyes of the fetus are still tightly shut but have grown to look forward. -
Week 18
-The skin surrounding the fetus, known as the vernix, is developed in order to protect the fetus from all the waters.
-The baby is fragile when dealing with loud noises. -
Week 19
-During this week mothers get to do something parents usually get excited about which is an ultrasounds.
-You begin to hear the baby's heart.
-The baby's genitals are now noticeable. -
Week 20
-This week means that the average women is halfway finished with her preganncy.
-The baby now recognizes it's mothers voice. -
Week 21
-The placenta is taking care of pretty much most of the nourishment for the fetus.
-The small intestine of the fetus can now function in absorbing sugars. -
Week 22
-At this point the baby begins it's own sleeping schedule.
-During this stage, the baby's can also wake up to any sudden movements caused by the mother. -
Week 23
-The baby begins to develop its own balance due to the full developed bone in it's ears.
-The baby now weighs a pound. -
Week 24
-As the lungs develop the baby now practices its own breathing.
-If for any reason a premature comes during tnhis week, the chances of it surviving are viable. -
Week 25
-Brain cells are starting to accumulate and increase their growth.
-The sexual hormones of both male and female babies are now present. -
Week 26
-Around this week ther baby's eyes will actually begin to open.
-Touching and talking to the baby is now effective because they are now able to respond. -
Week 27
-During this week the baby is aiming to be almost two pounds.
-The baby is now in full control over their eyes and can move away or blink if a flashlight is shined through the belly. -
Week 28
-The hair on the baby is now fully visible.
-At this stage the milky teeth every child has are now being produced. -
Week 29
-The fetus can now sense pain.
-The milky teeth under their gums are now fully developed. -
Week 30
-The baby now begins to do something very convenient. The baby can now control their own tempearture.
-The baby is now absorbing important nutrients such as iron, calcium and phosphorous. -
Week 31
-Since almost all of the major body organs are functioning, the body of the fetus focuses on building muscle mass.
-A mother's energy begins to rise along this week.
-The baby is now 3 and a half pounds. -
Week 32
-The uterus begins to become too small for the baby to move.
-Baby now weighs 4 pounds. -
Week 33
-The growing baby continues to drink amniotic fluids.
-Mother begins to weigh a pound more almost every week. -
Week 34
-Fingernails are now completely formed.
-Fetus can now close their eyes when asleep and open when awake. -
Week 35
-90% of premature abbies this week most likely survive.
-Baby is 5 pounds. -
Week 36
-Baby begins to increase in chubbiness
-Contractions in the mother may begin to appear. -
Week 37
-Baby now weighs 7 pounds.
-The water of the mother is subject to break at any moment from this point on. -
Week 38
-The baby has possibly reached its final birth size.
-The baby is 7.5 pounds. -
Week 39
-Baby continues to punch and kick
-Baby can be born anytime. -
Week 40
-Delicvery time!!!
-All systems are developed.