Sep 25, 1555
The Peace of Augsburg
The Peace of Auqsburg is the first legalization for the existence of Lutheranism. The Diet of the Holy Roman Empire proclaim it in 1555 at Augsburg. It is believed that the Peace of Ausburg prevented the conflicts for the next 50 years. -
Period: to
King Christian IV of Denmark
Christian led a stable and wealthy kingdom that was harmed by the 30 years war. He helped support Protestants by gathering a large army. He is also know for his distaste for witchcraft, which is evident from the many execution of innocents. -
Period: to
Cardinal Richelieu King Louis XIII
thehistorylearningsite.com (2)
King Louis XIII might have been the official ruler, but France ows its success of the time to Cardinal Richelieu. He's responsible for France increasing its power and military force. He led the army to many victories, while the king didn't stand out with anything. -
Period: to
King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden
Known as the ‘Lion of the North,’ was a supporter of the Protestants and recruited soldiers for them. He modified the canon, so that it would be lighter and easier to use in battel. His most significant battel was the Battle of Breitenfield, because he destroyed the Catholic's main force. -
Defenestration of Prague
Source- New World Encyclopedia
At 1618 is the second time when the Defenstration of Prague occurs. People from the Bohemian's acistocracy disagreed the election of Ferdinant the second as a king. The Roman Catholic officials -
Period: to
The Bohemian Period
It all begain in Prague, when Protestants of the Bohemian diet hurled royal soldiers from a window. LEadership was changed from Ferdinant to Frederic V. There were many revolts, but in the end, the Bohamians were defeated. -
Period: to
Ferdinand of Styria as king of Bohemia
thehistorylearningsite (1)
He persecuted Protestants. He was famous for his care for the ill and his great love for hinting and Catholicism. He persued Catholic reform and was a great politician. -
Battle of White Mountain
Source (Press Ofice of the Czech Bishops'Conference) In this battle an army of 30000 people (Bohemians and Mercenaries) defeated the army of Ferdinand the Second, which contained 27000 men. The Bohemians' army was lead by Christian of Anhalt and Ferdinand's- by Charles Bonaventure de Longueval and German Catholic League. The battle influenced the Czechs and ended the Bohemian period. -
Period: to
Philip IV of Spain
The war bankrupted Spain. Istead of giving up, Spain began a conflict with France, yet was lost at Rocroi, 1643 and this symbolized the decline of Spain's military power. Spain continued to have financial problems and revolts were occuring, while leading a war against France even after the Peace of Westphalia concluded the 30 years war. Spain lost a lot of terrritory during and after Philip's rule and sunk in debt. -
Period: to
Maximilian I of Bavaria
New Advent
Underwent a stric Catholic education system and expanded knowleadge by visiting foreign countries. The counrty was in debt, so he increased taxes. He also issued new laws. He possessed the best organized army. Unfortunately, Bavaria suffered during the war. -
Period: to
The Danish Period
The Protestants were supported by King Christian IV of Denmark (and duke of Holstein) against Ferdinand II. Christian was defeated the following year after his opponents gathered a large army. FerdinanD was replaced by Frederick V. In 1629 the Treaty of Lubeck restored Holstein to Christian. -
Period: to
The Swedish Period
Source: Infoplease
Protestants were alarmed due to the Catholics winning thus far. King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden allied his country with France. They faught against the growing Hobsburg power. At this point, the war had spread out of Germany into Europe and had switched focus from religious to political issues. Sweden won many battles including the one of Lutzen, when its king was killed. -
Period: to
The French Period
thecaveonline (2)
Cardinal Richelieu of France, in an attempt to weaken the Hapsburgs, decided to get involved in the war, which turned out to break the settlemet from the Treaty of Prague. France was successful against Spain, thus was able to send its forces to Germany to aid. Beginning in 1641, peace negotiations made little progress till years later with the death of Richelieu (1642) and Bavaria occupation (1646) by France. -
The Peace of Westphalia
SourceIt happened in the towns Münster and Osnabrück. There was signed a treaty between Spain and the Dutch Republic. That marked the end of the Thirty Years' War. -
Treaty of the Pyrenees
Source Ended the war between Spain and France. The two countries continued to fight each other ever after the Peace of Westphalia was signed. With the Treaty of the Pyrenees they officially ended the Thirty Years' War.