The 20th Century

  • Opera "Hunchback of Notre Dame." premiers in Monte Carlo

    Opera "Hunchback of Notre Dame." premiers in Monte Carlo
  • First air mail flight

    First air mail flight
  • First academy awards are announced

    First academy awards are announced
  • US Astronomer Clyde Tombaugh discoveres Pluto

    US Astronomer Clyde Tombaugh discoveres Pluto
  • Munich resistance group "White Rose" captured by Nazis

    Munich resistance group "White Rose" captured by Nazis
  • The first Church of Scientology is established in Los Angeles, California

    The first Church of Scientology is established in Los Angeles, California
  • Gambia Gains its independance from the United Kingdom

    Gambia Gains its independance from the United Kingdom
  • The space shuttle enterprise goes on its maiden flight

    The space shuttle enterprise goes on its maiden flight
  • Serial killer Lee Boyd Malvo is born

    Serial killer Lee Boyd Malvo is born
  • IRA bomb blast destroys London bus

    IRA bomb blast destroys London bus