The 1950s

  • Korean war begins!

    Korean war begins!
    The Korean War was a war between North and South Korea, in which a United Nations force led by the United States of America fought for the South, and China fought for the North region.
  • Truman Signs Peace Treaty

    Truman Signs Peace Treaty
    Truman signed it With Japan, Officially Ending WWII.
  • The great smog of 1952

    The great smog of 1952
    A thick fog covered london and was deadly because of the thick black smoke and it killed 4,00 people within five days.
  • Julius and Ethel Rosenburg...accused?!

    Julius and Ethel Rosenburg...accused?!
    Julius and Ethel Rosenburg was executed for espionage(spying),
  • Segregation was ruled Illegal

    Segregation was ruled Illegal
    A law that put a seperation on what colored americans did here in the us, It was later put to an end and everything was made equal for everyone as an american.
  • Rosa Parks refuses and arrested?!

    Rosa Parks refuses and arrested?!
    Rosa parks an African American was arrested becuase she refused to give up her seat to a white man, which later began the montgomery bus boycott.
  • Suez Crisis

    Suez Crisis
    An invasion of Egypt by Israel, followed by Britain and France. The aims were to regain Western control of the Suez Canal and to remove Egyptian president Nasser from power later the US and 2 others had to withdrawal from this war.
  • Laika The Dog

    Laika The Dog
    Laika was the first ever animal to orbit into the outerspace.
  • Peace Symbol

    Peace Symbol
    British artist Gerald Holtom drew a circle with three lines inside, intending the design to be a symbol for the Direct Action Committee Against Nuclear War (DAC)
  • NASA was founded

    NASA was founded
    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is the United States government agency responsible for the civilian space program as well as aeronautics and aerospace research.
  • Fidel Castro becomes dictator

    Fidel Castro becomes dictator
    He was ruler of cuba for 5 decades and was a horrible leader of cuba.