The 1930s

  • Period: to

    The Start of the 1930s

    From 1930-1939
  • Harley-Smoot Tariff is Passed

    Harley-Smoot Tariff is Passed
    The 1930s affected people politically. Hawley Smoot Tariff was a tariff that enforced protectionist trade policies in the U.S. that also raised all tariffs on over 20,000 imported goods (Hawley Smoot Tariff). This tariff did negatively affect the Great Depression and decreased the amount of goods.
  • FDR Takes Office

    FDR Takes Office
    FDR takes office after winning a landslide election in November and replaced Hoover as president(Great Depression).
  •       WWI Veterans March

          WWI Veterans March
    WWI veterans march on Washington DC demanding the bonuses they were promised for their service(Great Depression).
  • The Start of the Organization TVA

    The Start of the Organization TVA
    The Social/Cultural state of the U.S got better after the 1920s. Provided flood control, electricity generation, and economic development in the Tennessee Valley(New Deal). The Social/Cultural state of the U.S got better after the start of TVA because the development in the Tennessee Valley helped people from there and contributed to those specific people.
  • Failure of Banks Become Frequent

    Failure of Banks Become Frequent
    Banks failures become frequent and many Americans lose all they had deposited(Great Depression).
  • The End of The Great Depression

  • Hoovervilles

    Hoovervilles were a town built by homeless people in the U.S. They were built because people didn't have shelter or anywhere to go(Dust Bowl).
  • The New Deal Occured

    The New Deal Occured
    The economic state of the U.S got better after the 1920s. It got better because the New Deal was a series of programs that involved relief, reform, and recovery(FDR Powerpoint). These programs made the economic state of the U.S better because they gave people more opportunities for jobs and other programs for people to recover.
  • Bank Holiday is Announced

    Bank Holiday is Announced
    FDR announces a 4-day “bank holiday” while working on a plan to prevent bank failures(Great Depression).
  • The Start of the Organization CCC

    The Start of the Organization CCC
    The Social/Cultural state of the U.S got better after the 1920s. Provided unskilled manual labor jobs related to the conservation and development of natural resources in rural lands(New Deal). This helped the Social/Cultural state of the U.S people because who didn't know how to do certain jobs well were still provided with jobs by the CCC.
  • The Start of the Organization AAA

    The Start of the Organization AAA
    The Social/Cultural state of the U.S got better after the 1920s. The AAA paid farmers subsidies not to plant on part of their land and to kill off excess livestock in order to raise the value of crops(New Deal). The Social/Cultural state of the U.S got better after the 1920s because of the AAA because they convinced people and paid them to help the land and people who lived there benefited from that.
  • The Start of the HOLC

    The Start of the HOLC
    The economic state of the U.S. changed economically. Used bonds to issue new mortgages to families currently in default and to prevent foreclosure(New Deal). This helped people economically because people could get more housing and actually afford to so then they can get jobs and get back to regular life.
  • Dust Storms Appear

    Dust Storms Appear
    Dust storms blanket the midwest and send deposits as far east and NY and Boston(Dust Bowl).
  • The Start of FDIC Organization

    The Start of FDIC Organization
    The economic state of the U.S got better after the 1920s.The FDIC provided deposit insurance to depositors in banks in order to restore trust in the American banking ways(New Deal).This helped the economic state of the U.S because deposit insurance helped people trust in the banks that their money is staying there so they can use banks again.It helped the economic state of the U.S because once people had homes for themselves and their families they could start going to work and making money.
  • The Dust Bowl

    The Dust Bowl
    The Social/Cultural state of the U.S was affected after the 1920s.
    The dust storms severely affected a lot of southern plain regions in the U.S. Dust storms affected people from Texas to Nebraska (Dust Bowl). This affected the U.S socially/culturally because people and livestock were killed and affected by the Dust Bowl. Crops also failed to grow. People tried traveling away from the Dust Bowl and failed. This affected the culture and people in the area of the Dust Bowl.
  • WPA Organization Started

    WPA Organization Started
    The economic state of the U.S got better after the 1920s. The WPA gave jobs to millions of unemployed people to carry out public works projects, including the construction of public buildings and roads(New Deal). This helped the economic state of the U.S because people can get jobs unlike in the 1920s and pay their debts, support their families, and economically help the nation.
  • The Social Security Act of 1935

    The Social Security Act of 1935
    Social Security is to provide general welfare and for people with disabilities(The Social Security Act of 1935)
  • The Social Security Act is Signed

    The Social Security Act is Signed
    The Social Security Act is signed into law to provide benefits for retirees and the unemployed((The Social Security Act of 1935).
  • FDR is Elected to 2nd Term

    FDR is Elected to 2nd Term
    FDR is elected to his 2nd term, winning every state except Maine & Vermont.
  • On the Bombing of Pearl Harbor

    On the Bombing of Pearl Harbor
    The political state of the U.S changed after the 1920s. FDR inferred that we need to fight to keep our freedom from the other countries in the world. FDR wanted people to be dedicated to this war, he wanted them to focus and have confidence so we could win the war and our rights. This affected the U.S politically because people as a society were dedicated and needed to fight for freedom (Fireside Chat).
  • On the Home Front

    On the Home Front
    The political state of the U.S changed after the 1920s. FDR was trying to have people work together because Roosevelt thought it was the best way for us to win and win successfully. This is political because Roosevelt wanted to work together as a society to better the U.S. (Fireside Chats).