1920 1929 ford trucks 19

The 1920-1929

By jlundy
  • the 29th president take office

    the 29th president take office
    Warren G. Harding becomes president in 1920 and takes the oath of office in 1921.
  • Radio Industry

    Radio Industry
    In 1920 KDKA broadcast the news of President Harding's landslide victory. This led to the growth of more and more radio stations throughout the United States.
  • Prohibition

    The movement to ban alcohol sales went into effect when the 18th amendment was ratified.
  • The Harlem Renaissance

    The Harlem Renaissance
    During the great migration large cities in the north became heavily populated with African Americans. Harlem became a huge cultural center for music and writing,
  • The Washington Conference

    The Washington Conference
    This was a conference between eight major countries to discuss disarmament.
  • The Farm Crisis

    The Farm Crisis
    Known as the "quiet depression" crop prices continued to fall and the government made things worse with the Fordney-McCumber Act.
  • Teapot Dome Scandal

    Teapot Dome Scandal
    Secretary of the Interior, Albert B. Fall leased naval land to oil companies.
  • Calvin Coolidge takes office

    Calvin Coolidge takes office
    President Harding gets sick and dies, Calvin Coolidge is his successor.
  • The Ku Kluk Klan Returns

    The Ku Kluk Klan Returns
    Although the klan started years earlier is saw a growth in members during the 1920's and claimed to be fighting for "Americanism" By 1924 there were nearly 4 million members
  • Controlling Immigration

    Controlling Immigration
    The National Origins Act made immigration restriction a permanent policy.
  • The Assembly Line and the Model T

    The Assembly Line and the Model T
    By the 1920's the automobile became widely accepted. By 1925 Ford was rolling off 1 car every 10 seconds
  • The Great Gatsby

    The Great Gatsby
    During this time arts and music began to change. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is an example of this.
  • Charles Lindbergh

    Charles Lindbergh
    Made and amazing transatlantic solo flight.
  • Talking Movies

    Talking Movies
    The Jazz Singer started the golden age of Hollywood when it became the first talking movie.
  • Abolishing War

    Abolishing War
    The Kellogg-Briand Pact included 14 countries and the United States. It had no binding force but was considered a victory for peace.