When a Queen met a Explorer
Queen Elizabeth allowed Walter Raleigh to send 100 men to Roanoke Island.When they arrived at Roanoke Island they found that it could be a nice place to settle and that's what they did,but they found a problem.It was Indians.So they killed the chief of the tribe.After this they went home for supplies,but after they left 15 men came with supplies and stayed in the fort.Raleigh was furious when he heard the news and hired Simon Fernandez and John White to lead the people. -
The Discovery of the Lost Colony
When they arrived they found out the men who stayed were killed by Native Americans .Fernandez demanded to settle at Roanoke Island instead of the Chesapeake Bay because he wanted to get back to a dispute starting to fester between Spain and England. They followed his orders despite the concern for their fate.When they arrived at Spain Smith and the colony disappeared in thin air. When they looked they found the word "CROATOAN" was carved nearby and this became "The Lost Colony". -
Later in Virginia River
Over 100 men landed on the bank of James River(located in Virginia) which had no healthy water to drink.They were immediately attacked by the Native Americans,but still stayed anyway.Their leader John Smith, ordered the crew to build a fort for shelter.Then a severe winter storm and destroyed their fort. Smith was on a trip for food but was captured by Chief Powhatan's and almost died unless Pocahontas (yes from the Disney Movie)came in to save Smith and have peace.....until Smith stopped coming -
Cross Cultural Marrige
So John Smith got sick and then died. Then Pocahontas went to England. Then got converted to Christianity she got married to John Rolfe and then ask for peace between England and Natives and it worked. -
The Big Year for Jamestown
The first elected assembly was establish,called The House of Burgesses. Then black workers called indentured servants, arrived by boat to work for their voyage to the New World. -
After the Big Year for Jamestown the Mayflower was taking heavy weather the Pilgrim lived on dried food until they could cook on deck it. It took 2 months to sail from England to the New World. One couple also had the only baby on board called Oceanus Hopkins. -
A Bad Mistake
They planned to go to Jamestown Va but a storm came in and they went to Cape Cod instead.