the 13 colonies

By s150932
  • Jamestown,Virginia

    Jamestown was the first colony. In 1607, this location was officially a permanent settlement. It has been around for 400 years now!
  • The Headright system

    The Headright system
    The Headright System was where London gave 50 acres of land to people that paid their way into Virginia, or if they paid for someone else to get in. the date is not exactly known.
  • Landing in Plymouth

    Landing in Plymouth
    The Pilgrims landed in plymouth in September 6th,1620,and then went to Cape Cod on November 6th,1620,after 66 days on the voyage.
  • The pilgrims government

    The pilgrims government
    The Pilgrims formed a government and all compacted into the mayflower for going to the new world.
  • New Netherlands

    New Netherlands
    New Netherlands is now New York. It was settled the the dutch. King Charles ll wanted it to be named after his brother, so New Netherlands was Named New york. his brother was named the duke of York.
  • The royal colony

    The royal colony
    In 1624,Virginia was officially made a royal colony by king James.
  • Massachusetts Bay

    Massachusetts Bay
    People got led by John Winthrop to Massachusetts Bay. Other people started to settle in places by Boston. The full date is unknown on when it started.
  • The great migration

    The great migration
    The great migration was where thousands of people from England migrated to America. This Event Lasted from 1630 to 1640!
  • Maryland colony

    Maryland colony
    At the year of 1634,Maryland the state was settled and was made a colony. At the same time,King Charles l gave land to people to make a haven for Catholics here in America.
  • The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

    The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
    The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut is a unified government that three settlements joined up and made. It was actually the first written constitution in the America!King Charles ll united Connecticut a single colony in 1662.