The 13 Colonies

  • Queen Elizabeth's Orders

    Queen Elizabeth's Orders
    In 1585, Queen Elizabeth let Raleigh to order 100 men to go to Roanoke Island after two of his explorers thought it was a great place for a settlement. But, they were not nice to the natives and also killed their chief. The cause of them arriving to late was that their supplies were low so they went back a year later. 15 men came with supplies after they left and lived in the fort.
  • Chesapeake Bay: The New Settlement

    Chesapeake Bay: The New Settlement
    Raleigh hired Simon Fernandez to send 100 men to make a permanent settlement in Chesapeake Bay. John White was in charge and brought his family. When they arrived, in 1587 they found the men were killed by Natives.
  • Jamestown

    Twenty years later, another group containing 100 men went on the banks of Virginia's James River and the water was not good to drink. they were immediately attacked by some people but were determined to stay. John Smith told them to build a fort to stay safe. But, a bad winter destroyed their settlement. They were losing food and becoming ill. 40 men died from this harsh winter. In surprise, they made Jamestown which was America's first permanent English colony!
  • Return of Captain Smith

    Return of Captain Smith
    captain Smith came back to England at the time he became sick and stopped going around the settlement anymore.
  • Slaves of Jamestown

    Slaves of Jamestown
    The year of the first elected assembly named the House of Burgesses. Slaves were coming to the new world to help the south and work in the fields.
  • Sailing with the Mayflower

    Sailing with the Mayflower
    People were sailing in the Mayflower to come to the new world but life was hard because they had to live on salted beef, dried biscuits called hard tack, and other dried vegetables until they were able to cook on the deck. Sailing on the Mayflower took over two months from England to the new world . There were more than 100 of them and only one death.
  • First Thanksgiving

    First Thanksgiving
    Governor William Bradford had a celebration feast. They felt like sharing their harvest of food with some Wampanoags so they invited Squanto, Chief Massasoit, and 90 Wampanoags. The feast lasted three days. This began the tradition Thanksgiving
  • William Penn's own Pennsylvania

    William Penn's own Pennsylvania
    King Charles 2 gave William Penn land because of his deceased father. William decided to call his land Pennsylvania and let have Religious Freedom and let people have a mind of their own. This attracted a large crowd of people.