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The 13 Colonies

  • The Beginning

    The Beginning
    Queen Elizabeth allowed Walter Raleigh to send over 100 men from England to Roanoke Island for settlement. The colonists left due too lack of supplies. Angered, Raleigh sent over 100 more people to start a permanent settlement.
  • Period: to

    The 13 Colonies Are Created

  • England vs Spain

    England vs Spain
    John White was put in charge of the people. It wasn't Long before they ran out of supplies, so White and Fernandez went back to England for supplies. As they were leaving, Queen Elizabeth asked them to help in the war.
  • The Lost Colony

    The Lost Colony
    2 years later, White returned to Roanoke to find no colonists. All that was left was destroyed houses and the word "CROATOAN" on a nearby tree. White desperately went to find the Croatoan village, but a hurricane caused him to leave.
  • Jamestown

    A group of over 100 men landed on the banks of Virginia's James River which was not healthy to drink, but they were determined to stay. After a severe winter, only 60 men endured the hardships and trudged on to build Jamestown, including Captain John Smith. Smith was captured and almost executed by Chief Powhatan, if Pocahontas didn't save him. Smith and the settlers later befriended the Natives and their settlement started to grow.
  • John Smith Dies

    John Smith Dies
    Captain Smith returned to England when he became ill, causing the relations between the settlers and the Powhatan nation weakened. 4 years later, Smith dies and Pocahontas and her husband John Rolfe encouraged peace between the English and Native Americans.
  • Slavery Begins

    Slavery Begins
    1619 was a big year for Jamestown. The first elected assembly was established, it was called The House of Burgesses, and indentured servants arrived by boat to work. The Southerners needed more help to grow crops, so they went to Africa and captured people to work for them.