William Penn Founded Delaware becuase he though he needed more land then just Pennsylvannia
William Penn founded Pennsylvania becuase his father gave him money before he died and when he died King Charles the 2nd made it into a colony
Jhon Berkley and George Carteret made New Jersey by putting together West Jersey and East Jersey
James Edward Oglethorope founded Georgia becuase of 1 settlement that kept growing
Conneticut was founded by Thomas Hooker becuase Hartford joinded with other colonies to create 1 big colony
William Bradford and Jhon Winthrop founded Massachusetts by combinding Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay together to make Massachusetts
Celcilius Calvert founded Maryland to Farm with newer crops
8 different English Investors founded South Carolina to grow lots of rice
Ferdinando Gorges and Jhon Mason founded New Hampshire becuase they settlers needed a way to meake money and they made money by fishing
Jhon Smith founded Virginia to mine for Gold
Peter Minuit founded New York Becuase New Amsterdam kept growing and then when it was big enough to be a colony
8 Lord Proprieters founded North Carolina To grow Tabbaco
Rhode Island was founded by Roger Williams becuase he forced some colonies into 1 colony