North Carolina
Foruned by Charles
Eglend,Frans and spin all clamed land that was south of vrgna -
Founed by Purtins
The selters wanited to find a comuntey where they could follw the rules of the bible and srive there god -
Foundid by Willm Pen
The colnes came to virginia to search for gold -
Founed by Willm Pean
thought that all christins schould be free of worshup -
Founed by King Charls
Refuge for cathlic -
New Hapshire
Founded by Tomis Hooker
Tomis Hooker wainted a comunntey where all men could vote even church men -
Rhode Island
Founed by Roger Willms
willm Pean found a new place where people could worshup freley -
founed by tomis hooker
tomis hooker wanited a comunted where men could vote even chuch men -
New York
Founed by English landlords
Waited more money -
New Jersey
Founed by English Landlords
wainted more money -
Founed by Willm Pean
Bleaved that christin should be free of worshup -
Founed by Gorga111
Gorga111 startid anothre colney to leav spainish and the frinch away from the south -
South Carolina
Founed by Charls
Englend,Franse and spian all calmed land that was south of Vrigna