Battle of crecy image philip vi england august 26 1346

The 100 Years War

  • Period: 1327 to 1453

    The 100 Years War

  • 1328

    The start of the 100 Years War

    King Charles IV of France dies. He is replaced by his cousin Philip but King Edward III of England also has claim to the throne.
  • 1337

    Outbreak of war

    Relations between France and England break down. France claims Aquitaine which leads to an outbreak of war between France and England.
  • 1340

    The battle of Sluys

    The English navy attacks the French near Sluys. The English win and destroy much of the French navy
  • 1346

    Invasion of England

    David II of Scotland invades northern England
  • 1346

    Invasion of Normandy

    King Edward III of England invades Normandy France
  • 1360

    The Treaty of Bretigny

    France and England sign a treaty. In the treaty England is given French, Gascony and Normandy but Edward III gives up his claim to the French throne.
  • Mar 12, 1396

    marriage brings peace

    Richard II of England marries Isabella of France bringing about 2 decades of peace
  • 1415


    Henry V captures the French port Harfleur
  • Oct 25, 1415

    The Battle of Agincourt

    Henry V of England is victorious over French forces at the battle of Agincourt.
  • 1420

    Treaty of Troyes

    Treaty is signed which allows Henry V of England to be named the heirs of Charles VI of France.
  • May 11, 1422

    Joan of Arc

    Joan of Arc
    After having a vision from God Joan of Arc inspires the people of France to resist the English eventually resulting in the lifting of the Siege of Orleans. Spielvogel, J., Mctighe, J., (2014). World History @ Geography. McGraw Hill Education.
  • May 30, 1431

    Joan of Arc

    Joan of Arc is put to death in Rouen France
  • 1436


    The French recapture Paris
  • 1450


    The French recapture Normandy
  • 1453

    Battle of Castillon

    The French beat the English at the Battle of Castillon. This is the last battle of the 100 Years War.