• 300 BCE

    Plato and Aristotle

    Plato and Aristotle discussed the following educational psychology topics
  • 35 BCE


    Quintilian argued in favor of public rather than private education to preserve democratic ideals--a battle still being fought today.
  • Comenius

    Comenius a humanist writing at the beginning of the modern era, also influenced both educational and psychoeducational
  • Juan Luis Vives

    Juan Luis Vives wrote very much as a contemporary educational psychologist might in the first part of the 16th century.
  • Johann Friedrich Herbart

    In this brief reminder of our roots, we must note also the mid-19th century philosopher and psychologist, Johann Friedrich Herbart.
  • William James, G. Stanley Hall and John Dewey.

    These three men-our grandfather and granduncles-distinguished themselves in general psychology as well as in educational psychology, fields that overlapped considerably at the end of the 19th century.
    1) William James
    2) G. Stanley Hall
    3) John Dewey
  • Thorndike

    We all know of the success Thorndike had in banishing mental discipline with his transfer studies and of the success of his Educational Psychology textbooks, his texts on mental and social measurement, and those on general psychology. He also wrote influential books on the psychology of school subjects, such as arithmetic and reading. He gave us the first standardized achievement test.
  • Ebbinghaus and James.

    Ebbinghaus, and James were challenging those beliefs in the psychological laboratories that existed at the end of the 19th century; there was still opposition to psychological science in education at that time.
  • Herbartians

    Herbartians promoted teaching by means of a logical progression of learning, a revolutionary idea at the end of the 19th century.
  • Developed a specialty area in research on teaching

    From the 1960s on, we have developed a specialty area in research on teaching.
  • Democritus

    Democritus, for example, wrote on the advantages conferred by schooling and the influence of the home on learning.
  • Lauren Resnick

    Writing for the Annual Review of Psychology a decade ago, Lauren Resnick (1981) noted that the problems of real-world instruction were beginning to guide the development of instructional psychology.
  • For a new century

    For a new century, educational psychology can start again to rebuild our relationships with our partners in the educational enterprise by picking our problems to study, and designing our teacher education courses, with concern for the educational contexts in which teachers and students work.