Thanksgiving Break

  • Preparing for Thursday

    On Wednesday, we started cleaning the house and began making some of the food for Thanksgiving. I made molasses cookies, one batch of gluten free ones and one batch of regular cookies.
  • Thanksgiving Dinner

    On Thursday, I watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade and football, then I spent the rest of the day cooking. We ate dinner at about 5:30. We had ham, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, rolls, cranberry sauce, and sparkling cider. For dessert we had pumpkin pie and molasses cookies.
  • Friday

    On Friday, I hung out with my family and we played some games, then we ate leftovers and watched a movie.
  • Putting Up Christmas Decorations

    On Saturday, we got out all of the Christmas boxes and the tree. My brother and I fluffed and decorated the tree. I also put up a small tree in my room and decorated that, with ornaments and a ton of strands of lights.
  • Sunday

    On Sunday, we finished putting up the rest of the Christmas decorations including decorating the front porch and the railings on the stairs. I took the dogs for a walk up our road, and then played basketball outside. I got ready for school the next day and finished up some homework.