Alcohol Health Risk
People believe alcohol didn’t have health risks, but in reality alcohol in one for the most dangerous thing to do when operating a vehicle. -
MADD was found
Since MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) has been found, we have been able to cut he death rate in half per year.
Law enforcement is key to drunk driving prevention, and we need to ensure officers have the tools they need to enforce drunk driving laws — ultimately, making our roads safer. That is why MADD supports testing the BAC for of any drunk driver where there is probable cause and submitted an amicus brief in support of the blood draw, saying that the state has a compelling state inter -
Death in car accidents
1983 Number of males died in car wreck 4,850, female died in a car wreck 1,955
"The number of death with teens driving is on the rise." -
DUI Arrest
1.4 million people were arrested for DUI in 1997
In Florida, you can be prosecuted for felony DUI on your third offense within 10 years, and you can be charged with a felony for even a first offense if you caused an accident – particularly if someone was injured. -
Alcohol related accidents
38% teen vehicle accidents were alcohol-related.
"Drinking a few beers and driving won't hurt." -
Teen deaths on the rise while driving
36% of deaths among 13-19 year-olds occurred in motor vehicle crashes, 41 percent among females and 34 percent among males. -
Teens texting and driving
10% of teenagers were on a handheld device while operating a vehicle.
"Cops are cracking down on teen impaired driving." -
Laws around teens driving at dark.
Laws created do to so many injured from teens and there stupidity.
You can not drive between the hour of 11 pm to 5 am until you are 18 years old.
You can not use a handhled electronic even if your hands are free until the age of 18. -
Degrassi aired its first episode on texting and driving. -
Teens think they can't live without there phones
Teens check social media 100 or more times a day.
"There's a lot of anxiety about what's going on online, when they're not actually online, so that leads to compulsive checking." said Robert Faris