Board Adoption of ELA Textbook
Board will approve the Pearson Realize Textbook for English/Language Arts. -
Textbook Order Placed
District Librarian will place order with Pearson for all consumable textbooks as well as the digital package. -
Inventory Current ChromeCarts/ChromeBooks
Each site's technology designee will evaluate the number of Chromebooks currently in use and how many additional will need to be purchased to allow 1 Cart in each ELA classroom. -
Place Order for ChromeCarts
Place Order before school technology staff closes down for summer. -
Textbooks Arrive
Period: to
Receive and Inventory Textbooks
Receive ChromeCart Order
Period: to
ChromeBook Intake
Load software to each machine and image for district use. -
Professional Development
All English teachers will attend an all day PD training for Pearson adoption and technology training of the program and Chrome Books.(Before school is back.) -
First Day of School
Textbook Checkout
Begin textbook checkout during English classes according to a set schedule, alphabetical by English teacher. -
Teachers teach students how to utilize the EasyBridge from the District Google accounts and then how to set up their profile. -
ChromeCarts in Classrooms
All ChromeCarts should be distributed by 8/20/2018 -
Professional Development Part 1
Pullout training for first 1/3 of ELA teachers with Pearson at District Office. (First week of September... Date TBA) -
Professional Development Part 2
Pullout training for first 1/3 of ELA teachers with Pearson at District Office. (Middle of September... Date TBA) -
Professional Development Part 3
Pullout training for first 1/3 of ELA teachers with Pearson at District Office. (Last week of September... Date TBA)