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Texas timeline

  • the consolation of Texas took place

    the consolation of Texas took place
    the Texas consolation took place when the war ended
  • Period: to

    Texas economic strugles

    Texas struggled with their economic system after the war
  • Sam Houston was elected president

    Sam Houston was elected president
    Sam Houston helped Texas win the Texas Mexico war.
  • the declaration of independence for Texas is adopted

    the declaration of independence for Texas is adopted
    the declaration of independence for Texas made sure that Texas wasn't apart of Mexico and both of them needed to sign it
  • Texas won the battle of San Jacinto

    Texas won the battle of San Jacinto
    the battle of San Jacinto was the last battle between Texas and Mexico
  • the treaties of velasco are signed

    the treaties of velasco are signed
    the treaties of velasco are two treaties and one is puplic and the other is secret.
  • Mirabeau B. Lamar was elected persident

    Mirabeau B. Lamar was elected persident
    Mirabeau B. Lamar supported schools during his presidency.
  • Sam Houston reelected president.

    Sam Houston reelected president.
    Sam Houston was reelected president because he did great stuff for Texas
  • last president Anson Jones was elected president

    last president Anson Jones was elected president
    Anson Jones was elected president right before Texas became a state
  • James k. Polk was elected president of the USA.

    James k. Polk was elected president of the USA.
    James k. Polk was elected president of the USA when Texas became a state.
  • Texas becomes a state

    Texas becomes a state
    Texas was selected the 28th US state.