Mier Y Teran Report
Mier Y Teran wrote a report about how texas is different from mexico. He said "I desire to ford to you at once my observations' he wrote, "for fear the time for renity will be passed." -
Law of April 6
Mexican congress passed a new law to stop people from the United States from coming to Texas. the law of April 6, 1830 cancelled nearly all enpresario contracts.The law also outlawed bringing slaves into Texas. Its goal was to make Texas more mexican. -
Battle of Velasco
The hard feelings between mexican government and texas settlers had led to violence and bloodshed. People believe that this was the first battle between texas and mexico. -
Convention of 1832
Texas and mexico held a convention to discuss their problems. The delegates discussed issues and decide on a course on action. The convention had failed because under the mexican law the convention was illegal. -
Convention of 1833
The convention of 1833 met at San Felipe on April 1, 1833. While Stephen F. Austin was visiting the Mexican settlements less patient settlers called the new convention. Approximately 56 delegates attended. The convention asked for an anti-immigration section of the Law of April 6, asked for more adequate Indian defense, legal reform, improvement in mail service, and prohibiting African slave traffic into Texas. -
Stephen F. Austins imprissionment
While there, despairing of success for his petition, he wrote home recommending the organization of a state without waiting for the consent of the Mexican congress. His letter falling into the hands of the Mexican government, Austin, while returning home, was arrested at Saltillo, carried as prisoner back to Mexico, and imprisoned for a year without trial. Returning to Texas in 1835, -
Battle of Gonzales
The battle was Between rebellious Texan settlers and a detachment of Mexican army troops. The mexican gave texas a small cannon to help the protect themselves from the comanches. The mexicans wanted to take back the cannon from the texans, so during the night of October 1, the women made a sign that said come and take it in paint. The battle of Gonzales marked the start of the texas Revolution. -
Seige of San Antonio
General Cos reached San Antonio on October 9, 1835. Cos had about 800 troops under his command. He placed them in the town and in nearby abandoned missions, now used as a fortress. The mission had been known as the Alamo.The force of about 300 texans gathered at gonzales. If the Texans rebels seized the town and it’s fortress, they would control most of texas. The shout went up and Stephen F. Austin took command. -
Fall of The Alamo
The battle of the Alamo was a 13 day siege that Santa Anna launched an assault on the Alamo Mission near San Antonio de Baxar in 1836. All of the Texas defenders were killed. By a desire for revenge, the Texians defeated the Mexican Army at the Battle of San Jacento, on April 21, 1836, ending the revolution. -
Run Away scrape
After the Alamo Santa Anna's troops would come approach the texans and the people would fled from their homes and fear spread through the town. The name the texans gave this mass movement of people is the runaway scrape. The Runaway Scrape lasted from late March to late April. The texans started to panic and joined up with houston's army. They met up with Santa anna’s army near the San Jacinto river. There was going to be a fate battle would take place there. -
goliad Masecre
Santa Anna got the texans and brought them too goliad, where they were held as prisoners. The next day on March 27, 1836 303 texans were marched out of Fort Defiance into three columns on the Bexar Road. In between two of the columns there were mexican soldiers, they attacked and 40 texans were unable to walk. 39 texans were killed inside the fort. 28 texans escaped and one of those texans wrote an account about the massacre. -
battle of San jacento
The leader was General Sam Houston. He defeated Santa Anna's army in 18 minutes. There were about 630 mexican soldiers that were killed and about 730 mexican soldiers that were captured. In the whole battle only 9 texans died. Santa Anna was captured by the texans and about three weeks later he signed a peace treaty that said the mexican army would leave the region. -
treaties of Velasco
After the defeat of the Mexican forces at the battle of san Jacinto, two treaties were signed by president David G. and Gen. Santa Anna at velasco on May 14,1836. The public treaties, with ten articles, provided hostilities will come to an end, that Santa Anna would not again take up arms from texas, that the Mexican forces would withdraw beyond the Rio Grande, that prisoners will be exchanged on an equal basis, that Santa Anna will be sent to texas as soon as possible, and that the texas army