Texas Revolution/Republic

  • Period: to

    Texas Revolution/Republic

  • Fall of the Alamo

    After a stand of 13 days, the Alamo is taken by Santa Anna's forces
  • The Battle of San Jacinto

    Mexican and Texian forces collide to further fight for control of Texan land
  • Treaty of Valasco

    Signed by Santa Anna ending the Revolution
  • Proposed Annexation

  • The Lamar Administration

    Mirabeau B. Lamar takes office as President of the Republic of Texas
  • The idea of Austin

    Congress passes an act creating a five-man commission to locate a new site for Texas' capital
  • France recognizes Texas

  • The War on the Cherokee

    Lamar finds reason to attempt to drive the Cherokee to extinction
  • The Founding of Austin

  • The Offense on the Wichita Indians

    Lamar mounts an offense against the Wichita Indians
  • Houston Re-elected

  • Houston authorizes trading posts for Indians

  • Mexico invades Texas

  • Mexico captures San Antonio

  • Texans retake San Antonio and force Woll back into Mexico

  • Somervell leaves San Antonio on the offense

  • Somervell Retreats

  • The Execution of Fisher's men

  • Houston signs an armistice with Mexico

  • Texas is Annexed