
Texas Revolution

  • declaration of independence

    declaration of independence
    who: Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Robert R. Livingston, Roger Sherman
  • Period: to

    Freedonian Rebellion

    Who: Edwards Brothers and Mexican Government
    What: Declared Independence from Mexico Texas and created the republic of Freedonian near Nacadoches

    Who won: Edwards Brothers
    Significance: they wanted peace
  • Mier y Teran Report

    Mier y Teran Report
    who: José Manuel Rafael Simeón
    what: that tension was growing between the Texans and Mexican citizens. Mier y Terán's warning prompted Mexican officials to protect Texas from increased settlement from the United States
  • law of April 6, 1830

    law of April 6, 1830
    who: Mier y Terán's recommendations were laws passed on April 6, 1830 under President Anastasio Bustamante.
    what: to stop the colonization of Texas by Mexicans and Europeans, encouraging military occupation, and stimulating coastal trade.
  • turtle bayou resolution

    turtle bayou resolution
    who: Antonio Lopez De Santa
    what: Mexico arrested Travis, Travis friends captured some Mexican cavalrymen hopped to exchange them, while waiting in the turtle bayou the rebels drafted a set of resolutions to their actions, Anglo Americans decided to pack up and withdraw

  • Battle of Gonzalez

    Battle of Gonzalez
    who: Texians settlers and Mexican army
    what: Texians took the cannon Mexico wanted it back
    who won: Texas
  • Period: to

    The Capture of San Antonio

    who: Texas and Mexico
    what: gain its independence
    who won: Texas
  • Period: to

    Siege of the Alamo

    who: Antonio Lopez De Santa
    what: The battle of the Alamo was fought over Federalism, slavery, immigration rights, the cotton industry and most importantly money
    who won : Mexico
  • Texas Declaration Of Independence

    Texas Declaration Of Independence
    who: George Childress
    what: To gain their independnce from mexico
  • Period: to

    Runaway Scrape

    who: Antonio Lopez De Santa
    what: It was a time of terror and panic among the settlements of Texas. As Santa Anna and the Mexican Army passed through them
  • Massacre Of Goliad

    Massacre Of Goliad
    who: Texian army and Mexican army
    what: Texas settlers attacked the Mexican Army soldiers garrisoned at Presidio La Bahía, a fort near the Mexican Texas settlement of Goliad.
    who won: Mexican army
  • Battle of San Jacinto

    who: Mexican army and Texans
    what: it was a suprise attack
    who won: Antonio Lopez De Santa
  • Treaty of Velasco

    Treaty of Velasco
    who: Antonio Lopez De Santa
    what: the forces of the Mexican army under General Santa Anna were handed a defeat by the Texans at San Jacinto. in addition, he also pledged to restore property that had been confiscated by the Mexicans.