Texas Revolution

  • Mexican Constitution of 1824

    Mexican Constitution of 1824
    This constitution was written after Mexico gained independence from Spain. It is what created the United Mexican States as a representative federal republic. It was then governed by a national president, congress, and a supreme court. A lot of power was also given to the states.
  • Fredonia Rebellion of 1826

    Fredonia Rebellion of 1826
    This was the first attempt that was made by Texans to break away from Mexico. The leader of the group was empresario Haden Edwards and he created a small group of Texas settlers to try and declare independence. This took place near Nacogdoches, TX.
  • Mier y Terá Report

    Mier y Terá Report
    General Mier y Terá was sent by the Mexican government to investigate the state of affairs in Texas. When he returned, he stated in his report that strong measures need to be taken to stop the United States from gaining Texas. He also suggested adding for military forces around the settlements, closer trade ties with Mexico, and he encouraged more European and Mexican settlers.
  • The Law of April 6th, 1830

    The Law of April 6th, 1830
    In response to the report made by Mier y Terán, the Mexican Congress passed this law. It has 18 articles that are made to increase the hold that Mexico has over Texas. It specifically banned any additional American immigrants from staying in Mexican Territory.
  • Turtle Bayou Resolutions 1832

    Turtle Bayou Resolutions 1832
    This event was the first formal protest that was made by the Texas colonists against the Mexican tyranny. The settlers were protesting the laws that Mexico had made to limit the immigration and trading that happened between Texas and the United States. It also urged Texans to fight under Santa Anna.
  • The Arrest of Stephen F. Austin

    The Arrest of Stephen F. Austin
    Stephen F. Austin was arrested via Mexican orders because of the growing number of American settlers in Texas. They had a want for independence. The Mexican government saw him as a leader and decided that he needed to be arrested due to the growing numbers. They did this in hopes of lowering the desire for independence. Austin had written a letter that encouraged Texans to form their own government. This letter was then forwarded to the Mexican government.
  • Battle of Gonzales

    Battle of Gonzales
    The battle was the first engagement of the military for the Texas Revolution. It was fought between the Texans and a group of Mexican soldiers that were detached.
  • Important People

    George Childress: Author of TX Declaration of Independence
    Lorenzo de Zavala: Author of TX Declaration of Independence & Constitution for new Republic of TX
    James Fannin: Led the rebels massacre at Goliad
    Sam Houston: Led the army that beat Santa Anna
    Antonio Lope de Santa Anna: Mexican president that started the revolution
    Juan N Seguin: Military commander who recruited & commanded troops
    William B Travis: Helped set the Revolution in motion