Texas Revolution and The Rupublic of Texas from1836 to 1845

  • Independence

    Texas declares Independence from Mexico (Campbell, R., 2017)
  • 13-Day Siege of the Alamo

    13-Day Siege of the Alamo
    Siege of the Alamo began February 23, 1836 and lasted 13 days. Mexican troops were led by Santa Anna. (Campbell, R., 2017)
  • Sam Houston vs Gonzales

    Sam Houston vs Gonzales
    Sam Houston abandons Gonzales and retreats eastward to avoid the advancing Mexican army. Frustrated settlers flee as well in an exodus call the Runaway Scrape. (www.history.com/this-dayin-history, 2010)
  • Battle of Goliad

    Battle of Goliad
    Texas caused a lot of deaths but split their forces and retreat ended in capture. (Campbell, R., 2017)
  • The War of Coleto

    The War of Coleto
    The battle ensues with 10 Texans killed, 60 wounded and 200 Mexicans killed or wounded. After the second day of fighting a Texan surrender is agreed upon. (www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/qec01)(2010)
  • Battle of San Jacinto

    Battle of San Jacinto
    Texas victory over Mexican army and the capture of General Santa Anna. Troops led by Sam Houston had a decisive battle of the Texas Revolution. (www.history.com) (2009)
  • Treaties of Velasco

    Treaties of Velasco
    Santa Anna and Texas' President Burnet signed two Treaties of Velasco (public and secretly), ending the Revolution. The treaties were eventually violated by both sides and Texas' Independence was not recognized by Mexico. Texas' boundary was not determined until the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which ended the Mexican War, was signed in 1848.
    (www.tsl.texas.gov/treasures/republic/velasco, 2019).
  • First President of Texas

    First President of Texas
    Sam Houston becomes president and Lorenzo de Zavala, Vice President. The voters also overwhelmingly approve a referendum requesting annexation by the United States. US President Martin Van Buren refuses to consider it, however, citing fear of war with Mexico. (www.tsha.org/handbook/online/articles/fho73.) (2010)
  • President Martin Van Buren

    President Martin Van Buren
    Martin van Buren was elected President of the United States. (www.whitehouse.gov) (2006)
  • Annexation of Texas

    Annexation of Texas
    Resolution to recognize Texas introduced in the U.S. Senate. U.S. voted No, due to the border dispute and the balance of power.
    (www.tsl.texas.gov/ref/tx/annexation, 2019).
  • Santa Anna-Restoration of Freedom

    Santa Anna-Restoration of Freedom
    Santa Anna, home in Mexico, renounces all guarantees made to the Republic of Texas as a condition to his restoration of freedom (Campbell, R., 2017).
  • United States vs. U.S.

    United States vs. U.S.
    Texas Minister to the United States presents U.S. government a formal offer from the Republic of Texas to annex itself to the United States (Campbell, R., 2017).
  • Tabling of the Triparty Treaty

    Tabling of the Triparty Treaty
    Senator William C. Preston introduces a resolution for a tripartite treaty between the U.S./Mexico/Texas in the U.S. Senate and the resolution was TABLED (Campbell, R., 2017).
  • Texas withdrew their offer of Annexation

    Texas withdrew their offer of Annexation
    Texas withdraws the offer of annexation because of Congress' lack of action on their proposal.(www.tsl.texas.gov) (2017)
  • Proposal for Withdrawal

    Proposal for Withdrawal
    Texas Congress passes joint resolution approving of President Sam Houston's withdrawal of annexation proposal. (www.tsl.texas.gov/ref/abouttx/annexation)
  • Buren is Defeated

    Buren is Defeated
    President Martin Van Buren is defeated for reelection by William Henry Harrison. Harrison, a Whig, receives 234 Electoral College votes to 60 and also wins the popular vote contest.
  • The Return of Sam Houston

    The Return of Sam Houston
    After the invasion of Santa Fe, the Wichita River for the Red River they arrived in the beginning of October near present-day Tucumcari, New Mexico, were captured without firing a shot. marched to prison at the San Carlos Fortress in Perote, Veracruz. The disgrace was to lead to the return of Sam Houston.
  • Mexican Invasion

    Mexican Invasion
    Mexican General Adrián Woll, 1,200 Mexicans, had recaptured San Antonio. Texans volunteers gathered on Cibolo Creek above Seguin and marched to Salado Creek about six miles northeast of San Antonio (Haynes, S.W., 2018).
  • Commerse Treaty

    Commerse Treaty
    U.S. Senate passes a proposed commerce treaty with the Republic of Texas. The Senate's amendment of the original treaty terms causes the Texas Congress to reject the final version of the treaty
    (Alimento, Antonella & Stapelbroek, Koen 2019).
  • Sam Houston Issues Proclamation

    Sam Houston Issues Proclamation
    Sam Houston issues a proclamation declaring armistice between Mexico and Texas (Campbell, R., 2017).
  • Northerns VS Southerners

    Northerns VS Southerners
    An annexation treaty between the U.S. and Texas signed between the two diplomats.
  • Treaty Rejected

    Treaty Rejected
    U.S. Senate rejects the treaty Annexation Treaty of 1844. The battle score ended Democrats 35 to 16.
  • Acceptance of Annexation Resolution

    Acceptance of Annexation Resolution
    Convention meets to consider both the Mexican treaty and the U.S. annexation resolution. U.S. offer accepted by Convention
  • Texas is Officially the 28th State

    Texas is Officially the 28th State
    President Polk signs the Joint Resolution. Texas officially the 28th state on this date (Campbell, R., 2017).