
Texas Revolution

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    Fredonian Rebellion

    Edwards tried to take land grants with his brother. He ordered the long time settlers to pay for new grants in his colony.Edwards wrote to Steven Austin to join the Rebellion, and they called their new nation the Republic of Fredonian. Austin said that he would not help the Edward brothers and would join Mexico to push them out. They learned about the response they fled back to the US, Anglo Americans couldn't be trusted to hold a colonization, even though Austin was loyal to Mexico.
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    Mier Y Teran Report

    They sent Mier y Teran to Texas on a finding mission. He thought that San Antonio should be the capital state, Teran Listened but made no promises. Teran went to Nacagoches and his worst fears were confirmed, He found that Anglos outnumbered Mexicans 10/1. Teran could no longer tell he was in Mexico .
  • Law of April 6, 1830

    Law of April 6, 1830
    In response to Mier y Teran's report, the Mexican government enacts The Law of April 6th. They said All immigrants from the US would end. NO more impresario grants for Americans would be given out. No new slaves could be brought to Texas. Land grants would be given out only to Mexican and Europe settlers. A tax or a custom tag must be paid on all trade goods from the US. And soldiers would be sent to Texas to enforce these laws.
  • Turtle Bayou Resolution

    Turtle Bayou Resolution
    They wanted to make the trade from the US as difficult as possible. In 1832, two Anglo Americans were arrested for protesting, the people saw that their freedom of speech were gone and they were in danger, so they later wrote the Turtle Bayou Resolution.
    1. They complained
    2. They pledged loyal to the Mexican constitution of 1834.
    3. And they Supported Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna.
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    Conflict at Anahual

    General Cos demanded that the colonists turned their leaders to him to be trailed in court of treason. Cos threatened to send soldiers to arrest the men. Many colonists feared Austin would be executed because trouble could start in Texas. In July 1835 Austin was allowed to return back to Texas. He called for constitution and revolution.
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    Massacre of Goliad

    Fannin to evacuate his 400 men force from Goliad and retreat to Victoria. 1,400 man army led by Santa Anna's Chief Lieutenant, Garcia Jose de Urrea, closed in on Goliad. He didn't to abandone Goliad until the morning of March 19,it was too late by the time the Colonel ordered the retreat. When one of their carts fell into the San Antonio River, the colonel told his men to halt and retrieve it, Fannin ordered his traps to stop for more than an hour to allow their oxen to gaze.
  • Battle of Gonzalez

    Battle of Gonzalez
    The battle was to retrieve a small cannon that the Mexican government gave to the settlers in 1831 for defense. The Texans created a banner with the cannon and the words "Come and get it" They filled it with scraps of metal since they had no cannon balls. They did a sneak attack on the morning of October the 2nd, the cannon shots were known as the first shots of the Texas Revolution.
  • Texas Deceleration of Independence

    Texas Deceleration of Independence
    The Texas Decleration of Independence was produced overnight, while it was being prepared the Alamo in San Antonio was under siege by Santa Anna's Army of Mexico. The convention of 1836 on march 1st, a committee of 5 delegates were appointed to the draft document. It was reviewed then adopted by the delegates of the convention in the following day. It has statements on the function and responsibility of government, followed by a list of grievances.
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    Runaway Scrape

    When people knew that Santa Anna was coming to kill them, the people were terrified. They all thought that the Native Americans were joining the Mexicans to kill them. So they ran away from the city before the Santa Anna and his troops came.
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    Siege of the Alamo

    December 1835, early stages of Texas war for independence from Mexico, Texan volunteers led by George Collinsworth and Benjamin Milam overwhelmed the Mexican Garrison at the Alamo and captured the fort. On February 23rd, a Mexican force comprising around 2,000 men and commanded by General Antonio Loped de Santa Anna, outnumbered them 10-1 and began a siege on the fort. The Mexican forces suffered heavy casualties in the Alamo loosing 600 men.
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    Capture of San Antonio

    The Newly created Texan Army takes possession of the city of San Antonio. Milam helped capture the city of Goliad with the Texas Army, Milam made 300 men join the army by saying, "Who will go with Old Ben Milam into San Antonio?" Milam was killed instantly by a sniper bullet on December 7, if he had survived he might have well been among the doomed defenders of the Alamo that were wiped out by Santa Anna's troops the following March.