Fredonian Revolt
He join Stephen F. he calls his colony indepentdent from Mexico -
Mier y Teran Report
he was sent on a fact finding mission to Texas by the mexican government -
law of April 6,1830
the law banned imigration from us to mexico -
Turtle bayou resolutions
a problem in arahauc in Mexico 1824 and texas was going for santa ana -
Stephen f. Austin arresed
he sent a letter back to texas and santa ana put him in jail -
the alamo
it was a 13 day siege.the standoff gave time to the texas leaders to write the constitition -
lorenzo de zavala
first vice president of the republic of texas -
Gearge c childress
lawyer statesmen and was one of the 4 founding fathers of Texas and was the prime author of Decleration of independent -
santa ana
he olny at one fight san jacinto, one day after that he was cuptured