texas revolution

  • Period: to

    freedonian rebellion

    haden edwards try to create his own country
  • mier y teran report

    went on a expedition to check the bandouries
  • law of april 6 1830

    it was led up after the mier y teran report right not a lot of texans
  • battle of gonzalez

    the first battle of the revolution because the mexican government tried to take the cannon back after they let them borrow it.
  • Period: to

    capture of san antonio

    they captured santa anna and kept san antonio
  • Period: to

    siege o the alamo

    Santa Anna entered San Antonio de Bexar, Texas and surrounded the Alamo Mission.
  • texas declaration of independence

    they copied the untied of america constitution
  • Period: to

    runaway scrape

    eveyone burned down houses from santa anna
  • massacre of goliad

    the general at the alamo treated to late and the people that captured him decided to kill him
  • battle of san jacinto

    the last battle
  • treaty of velasco

    the treaty that ended the revolution