Texas Revolution

  • The declaration of independence

    The Declaration of Independence was for the whole world to see why the thirteen British colonies were seeking to start their own country. The Declaration of Independence signifies some of the principles and ideas of the founding fathers which the government of the US follow now in day .
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    Mier y Teran Report

    José Manuel Rafael Simeón de Mier y Terán, commonly called Manuel de Mier y Terán or General Teran, was a Mexican general involved in the Mexican and Texan revolutions
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    Turtle Bayou Resolution

    In the Turtle Bayou Resolutions, the rebels first articulated ideas that would become central to the Texas revolutionary movement, including allegiance to the Mexican constitution of 1824. The resolutions were published in a Brazoria newspaper in July 1832
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    Freedonian Rebellion

    The Freedonian Rebellion was a dispute between the Mexican government and the Edwards brothers. Austin won the battle.
  • Law of april 6,1832

    Mier y Terán's were ollowed in a series of laws passed on April 6, 1830 by the President Anastasio Bustamante. The law dint allow more immigration from the United States to Texas and any new slaves.
  • battle of gonzales

    The Battle of Gonzales was the first military engagement of the Texas Revolution. It was fought near Gonzales, Texas, on October 2, 1835, between rebellious Texian settlers and a detachment of Mexican army soldiers.
  • capture of san antonio

    By December of that year, the small Texas army captured the important crossroads town of San Antonio de Bexar and seized the garrison known as the Alamo. Mexican General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna recaptured the town on March 6, 1836, after a thirteen-day siege; the Mexican army suffered an estimated 600 casualties
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    The declaration of San Antonio

    The declaration of San Antonio from the 27th to the 30th of March, 1996, It is a regional response to a larger international debate on the nature of authenticity and conservation.