Texas Revolution

  • Battle of Gonzales

    Battle of Gonzales
    The Mexicans tried to disarm the Texans and take away their cannon but it resulted in a revolution and the first battle of the Texas revolution.
  • Period: to

    Texas Revolution

  • Constitutional Convention of 1836

    Constitutional Convention of 1836
    Texas declared independence from mexico and they wrote a constitution to form an ad interim government for the republic of texas.
  • Battle Of The Alamo

    Battle Of The Alamo
    It was a battle between Texas and Mexico but the Mexicans won and Santa Anna killed all of the Texans and was considered merciless.
  • Battle of Coleto

    Battle of Coleto
    James Fannin was trapped because there was no shelter and he surrendered.
  • Massacre at Goliad

    Massacre at Goliad
    After Fannin surrendered he and his troops were killed a day after he surrendered in Goliad. Santa Anna sent a command to kill him and his troops.
  • Battle of San Jacinto

    Battle of San Jacinto
    The final battle of the Texas revolution. The Texans were ready to attack but the Mexicans were not ready and they were taking a siesta, but and soon as they were taking a siesta they got rushed by Texan troops and the battle only lasted about 18 minutes before Santa Anna surrendered. Resulted in a Texan victory.