Period: to
Texas Revolution
Battle of Gonzales
When Mexicans went to get the Cannon of Gonzales back and Texas said come and get it. Since Texans didn't have any cannons so they started throwing any scrap of metals. During a battle "break". Mexicans and Texans spoke to each other and they both said they didn't like Santa Anna. So the mexicans raise a white flag and go home. -
Convention of 1836
Basically 52 delegated came together at Washington-on-the-Brazos. They locked themselves in a room and made the Texas Declaration of Independence and Texas Constitution. -
Battle of the Alamo
When Texans used an old mission as a fort and safe house. One March 6, 1836 Texans and Mexicans engaged in about a one and a half fight. All though every soldier died that day it started a new begining and a newer perpective in the war. -
Caleto Creek
When Conlonel Fannin and his troops where resting from the Battle of Golied General Urrea and his troops surround Colonel Fannin's men. Colonel decides to form a sqaure and start shotting. The next day Colonel Fannin decides to surrender under terms of surrender. -
Goliad Massacre
After Colonel Fannin and his troops raised the white flag, General Urrea takes them back to Goliad. When Santa Anna hears about this he isn't happy and tells General Urrea to execute them. So General Urrea tells the men that there going to gather wood, fire or take a walk, but really they got executed. -
Battle of San Jacinto
Sam Houston saw that the Mexicans were sleeping in the field so her had a plan. He blew up the bridge and surprised attacked the Mexicans. Soon enough they found Santa Anna and made him sign the a treaty saying to get his men out of Texas and Texas was free from Mexico's control.