Texas Milestones

By 5714bhb
  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    Texas Milestones

  • Nov 5, 1528

    Cabeza de Vaca

    Cabeza de Vaca
    It was a ship that wrecked on Galveston.
  • La Salle

    La Salle
    La Salle tried to make Texas part of France. He was killed during the action.
  • Coronado

    Sieur de la salle created ft St Louis on Matagorda Bay. He was later killed.
  • Period: to

    1800 to 1900

  • Austin Grant

    Austin Grant
    Mexico gave Austin land for his people.
  • Mexican Independance

    Mexican Independance
    The US gave Mexico a republican government. It didnt work out very well. It failed.
  • Austin Imprisoned

    Austin Imprisoned
    The Mexicans imprisoned Stephen F. Austin because he wanted Texas to be its own state in Mexico. Santa Ana didnt like that idea.
  • Battle at Gonzales

    Battle at Gonzales
    Texas seceeded from Mexico. Mexico didn't like that. A war began.
  • Battle of the Alamo

    Battle of the Alamo
    Texans were overwhealmed by the Mexican's fight after two weeks.
  • Runaway Escape Begins

    Runaway Escape Begins
    This is a result of the battle of the Alamo. The Texans were afraid about what would happen to them.
  • Massacre at Goliad

    Massacre at Goliad
    About 400 texans were executed after the battle at Goliad
  • Battle of San Jacinto

    Battle of San Jacinto
    The Texans with Sam Houston defeated the mexicans. Texas won its independance
  • Texas Joins the US

    Texas Joins the US
    James Polk told Texas they could be the 28th state of the US.
  • Texas seceeds and Joins the Confederacy

    Texas seceeds and Joins the Confederacy
    After a 171 to 6 vote, Texas decided they wanted to become part of the Confederacy.
  • Battle of Galveston

    Battle of Galveston
    This battle gave Texas Galveston for the rest of the war.