
Texas Independence

  • Battle of Gonzales

    Battle of Gonzales
    Castaneda went to talk to the Texans, he saw he was outnumbered and retreated. The Texans won this one, with one Mexican casualty.
  • Battle of Goliad

    Battle of Goliad
    Caused by thousands of Americans immigrating to Mexico. Texan gov. begans to repress as the Texans begin to try to become independent. 6,000 Mexicans went into Texas to try and stop the uprising of the Texans. Texas tried to take the Goliad. Mexicans won, and didn't return until Alimo.
  • The Alamo

    The Alamo
    At this point the Texans had declared themselves independent. Mexico was determined to get them back. The Alamo was a church. That is where the Texans were set up. The Texans were seriously outnumbered (250 to 6,000). The Mexicans fought from a distance, 12 days later with only 1,500 people left marched in to take the Alamo. The Mexicans killed almost all of the Texans --leaving mostly only the women and children alive. Huge victory for Mexico.
  • Declared Independence

    Declared Independence
    The Texas Declaration of Independence was signed at Washington-on-the-brazos, now known as the birthplace of Texas. It was very similar to the American Declaration of Independence.
  • Period: to

    Republic of Texas

  • Battle of San Jacinto and the Treaty of Velasco

    Battle of San Jacinto and the Treaty of Velasco
    Battle: 800 Texans defeated Santa Anna’s Mexican force of roughly 1,500 men at the Battle of San Jacinto. As they did so they shouted "Remember the Alamo." Santa Anna had been taken hostage during this. Treaty: After math of the Battle of San Jacinto. 2 documents signed at Velasco, TX. They were to provide an end to the hostilities between Mexico and Texas. However, the treaty was never ratified by the Mexican gov.
  • Texan Annexation

    Texan Annexation
    The fight for freedom is now over. Texas is now the 28th state of the United States of America.
  • What Created Tension Between Texas & Mexico

    What Created Tension Between Texas & Mexico