Texas in the Civil War

  • The Battle of Galveston

    The Battle of Galveston occurred in Galveston, Texas, home to a very important port. The Union came to claim the port, but surrendered the same day seeing as they were losing the battle. Victory for the Confederates!
  • Battle of Sabine Pass

    This battle taking place in the Sabine Pass in Texas was yet another victory for the Confederates. One very important factor is the landscape of Sabine Pass. The narrow channel prevents much from getting in, so only one battleship was able to make it through. This victory boosted the morale of the Confederates who were starting to lose hope.
  • The Battle of Palmito Ranch

    The Battle of Palmito Ranch, near Brownsville Texas, was considered the final battle of the Civil War. The rebels hammered the Union line with artillery and Barrett ordered a retreat, eniding this final battle.