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Texas History: The Runaway Scrape

  • The march towards Texas

    Reports that Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna and his troops are making their way to Texas are spred. Some communities in South Central Texas begin to pack their belongings and leave to other areas of Texas.
  • The move

    Families and whole comunities from San Patricio, Refugio, and San Antonio are some of the first to be affected by the advance of the Mexican troops.
  • Fall of the Alamo

    Fall of the Alamo
    After thirteen days, the Alamo falls to Santa Anna and his troops. Among those who died in the Alamo were William B. Travis, James Bowie, David Crocket, James Bonham, and Almaron Dickinson. http://jayssouth.com/tennessee/crockett/alamo1850lg.jpg
  • Sam Houston Arives

    Sam Houston Arives
    General Sam Houston arrives to Gonzales from Washinton-on-the-Brazos- after traveling for five days. He had been traveling since the 6th of March and had no prior knowledge of the fall of the Alamo. http://thewidowsweeds.blogspot.com/2010/09/5-september-sam-houston.html
  • The Retreat

    Upon arriving to Gonzales, Genral Sam Houston learns about the fall of the Alamo and orders a retreate. Houston and his troops retreate to the Colorado River. Along with his troops are the families who had escaped from their homes back in January and February. Among these families are relatives of the fallen men who had defended the Alamo.
  • The Runaway Scrape Officially Begins

    The Runaway Scrape Officially Begins
    With thefall of the Alamo, Houston orders couriers to spread the word. As the news progresses families begin to leave their homes and escape the oncming Mexican army. Houston leaves Gonzales with his troops and orders Gonzales to be burned This marks the beginning of the Runaway Scrape. http://www.latinamericanstudies.org/maps/texas-1835-map.gif
  • Washington-on-the Brazos

    Washington-on-the-Brazos is deserted.
  • Seperation

    After assisting the families that had journied with Houston from Gonzales, they depart at the Brazos River.
  • Evacuations

    By April 1st, Richmond has evacuated along with the settlements that were located on both sides of the Brazos River.
  • Unprotected

    General Sam Houston continues his retreate. As a result the settlements located between the Colorado River and the Brazos River are unprotected. The families living in those areas hastely pack whatever they can and make their way east towards Louisiana or head to Galveston Island.
  • Abondonment of homes

    By the 13th of April, a majority of the families living in East Texas, near Nacogdoches and San Augustine, have abandoned their homes.
  • The Journey

    The Journey
    Fueled by the fear of the surprise attack from the Mexican Army or an Indian raid the Texas settlers made their way east in miserable conditions. Rain, cold, bouts of disease, and hunger took the lives of many. http://www.seguindescendantshp.com/mapsof.htm
  • News of San Jacinto

    News of San Jacinto
    News of the defeat of Santa Anna and the Mexican army reaches the families marking the end of the Runaway Scrape. http://www.texasheritagesociety.org/Sam-Houston-Rode-a-Gray-Horse.html