
United States History

By miav18!
  • USA enters WW1

    USA enters WW1
    The united states took part of of world war 1
  • Spanish flu

    Spanish flu
    The united states was affected by the influenza virus, or also known as the Spanish flu. Which became a pandemic
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    Texas adopted the 19th amendment, which allowed women to vote
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The stock market crashes, which starts economic problems. The great depression begins
  • Pearl Harbor attack

    Pearl Harbor attack
    Hawaii is attacked by Japan. There were about 2,403 deaths due to this. Which later on turned into the U.S. declaring war on Japan
  • Brown v. Board of education

    Brown v. Board of education
    Segregation in schools was not allowed anymore in the United states. All students began to attend the same schools.
  • JFK assassination

    JFK assassination
    President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. This happened when he was in the car on his was to make a speech.
  • Civil rights Act

    Civil rights Act
    The civil acts right was passed which didn't allow discrimination in public places. Weather it was because of color, race, religion, or where people were from.
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    Neil Armstrong becomes the first man on the moon
  • Roe v. Wade

    Roe v. Wade
    Legalized abortions were allowed in the first trimester