
Sample Texas History

  • 1519

    Pineda maps the coast of Texas

    Pineda maps the coast of Texas
    Alvaro Pineda maps the coast of Texas and the Gulf of Mexico
  • Period: to

    Mexican Revolution

    Mexico gains Independence from Spain. Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla gave a speech to inspire the Mexican to revolt against Mexico, known as the "Grito de Dolores."
    Texas Revolution
  • Period: to

    Texas Revolution

    Texian war for independence from Mexico. Texian army led by Sam Houston fought against a better trained and larger Mexican army led by Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana
  • Texas Annexation

    Texas annexed into the United States and became the 28th state.
  • Texas secedes

    Texas secedes from the United States and joins the Confederate States of America
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    War between the North and the South. Texas participated on the side of the south. The Union will win the War