

  • 1803 Louisiana Purchase

    1803 Louisiana Purchase
    Texas became part of the United States through the Louisiana Purchase, although it remains largely unsettled.
  • 1821 Mexican Independence

    1821 Mexican Independence
    Mexico gains independence from Spain, including Texas, which becomes a Mexican territory.
  • 1836 Battle of the Alamo

    1836 Battle of the Alamo
    The Battle of the Alamo was a pivotal event during the Texas Revolution. Texian defenders, including Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie, fought against Mexican forces led by General Santa Anna. Although the Texians were defeated, the battle became a symbol of resistance and independence.
  • 1836 Texas Declares Independence

    1836 Texas Declares Independence
    The Texas Revolution culminates the Battle of San Jacinto, which Texans forces defeat the Mexican army. Texas declares independence from Mexico and forms the Republic of Texas.
  • 1836 Battle of San Jacinto

    1836 Battle of San Jacinto
    Texian forces, under the leadership of General Sam Houston, achieved a decisive victory over the Mexican army at the Battle of San Jacinto, securing Texas independence.
  • 1845 Texas Annexation

    1845 Texas Annexation
    Texas is annexed by the United States and becomes the 28th state in the Union.
  • 1861 Civil War

    1861 Civil War
    Texas seceded from the Union and joined the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War. April 12, 1861 – April 9, 1865
  • 1865 End of Civil War

    1865 End of Civil War
    The Civil War ended, and Texas was readmitted to the Union after Reconstruction.
  • 1865 Juneteenth

    1865 Juneteenth
    Union General Gordon Granger arrives in Galveston, Texas, to announce that all enslaved people are free, marking the beginning of Juneteenth celebrations.
  • 1898 Spanish-American War

    1898 Spanish-American War
    Texas contributed troops to the Spanish-American War, which helped the United States gain territories, including Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines. April 21, 1898 – December 10, 1898