Mier Y Teran Report
Mier y Teran was sent by the Mexican government to see what was going on in Texas. While in Texas he visited Nacadoches and wrote a report on what was happening around this colony. He noticed that Texas there were more American Settlers than Mexican settlers. When he got back he told the Mexican government that Texas also needed to end slavery and slave trading.
Picture Source:http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Manuel_de_Mier_y_Terán.jpg -
Law of April 6, 1830
The law of April 6 was put in place to keep Texas from being able to be annexed by the United states. Already concerned by U.S interest in purchasing Texas, Mexican president, Anastasio Bustamante decided that Texas should not be able to Join the U.S and to loosen the U.S power on Texas he passed the Law of april 6. This law specifically said no more slaves in Texas and the President hoped that Americans loved slaves enough to stay away from Texas.
Picture Source:http://fe867b.medialib.glogster -
Battle of Velasco
The battle of Vlasco escaleded when Texas settelers attacked fort Velasco. Soldier John Austin was carrying a cannon up the Brazos river with others becuase he was going to attack the city of Anahuac. When they crossed the river they were stopped by the Mexican commander Domingo De Ugartechea. After a tense two days of battle the Mexicans surrendered when no reinforcements
had arrived and they were out of ammo.
Picture Source:http://www.pbs.org/weta/thewest/people/a_c/austin.htm -
Convention of 1832
This convention was known as the very first political gethering of Texas officials and other settlers. The main subject at this conevention was to focus on Seceding from the Mexican Government and their unfair ways. It is considered the first of many unsuccesful politcal attempts for the Texas to secede from Mexico.
Picture Source:http://sagaofatexasranger.com/rising-tide-of-revolution/ -
The Convention of 1833
The conevention of 1833 was yet another political gethering by Texas settlers to express the anger of the settlers. The Texasns were angered by the fact that their beliefs and requests were never answered by the Mexican government. This time they met to write numerous petitions to the Mexican government. The man in charge of writing these petions was San Felipe De Austin.
Picture Source:http://georgiainfo.galileo.usg.edu/tdgh-sep/sep27.htm -
Stephen F. Austin's Imprisonment
Stephen F. Austin was sent to Mexico to talk with the Mexican leader's. During the time he was there a civil war was starting in Mexico. This war was a result of the uprising of Santa Anna who had taken control of about half the country. During this Time in mexico he was captured by a hostile group of Mexicans who locked him up in prison in Mexico city. He was let out of prison 3 months later.
Picture Source:http://www.pbs.org/weta/thewest/people/a_c/austin.htm -
Santa Anna's Seizure of the Mexican Government
Santa Anna thought it would be a good idea to take all of the parts of the government and put them under the rule of one person, so that is exactly what he did. Santa Anna became the dictator of mexico in 1834 when all of the people finally gve into him. Though it was a dumb descision to let him become the dictator it was a good one, as Santa Anna was one of the most well rounded and intelligent people to rule over the Mexican people.
Picture Source:http://www.sanjacinto-museum.org/The_Battle/Co -
Battle of Gonzales
This battle was Escaleded when the Texan soldier's stole a Mexican Cannon. The main Texas flag in this situation was the famous "Come and Take it" flag which showed a lone star and a cannon. This was a very unbloody battle considering the weapons that were shot and the length of the battle. The aftermath of this battle was 2 dead Mexican soldiers and a Texans bloody nose after being thrown by his horse.
Picture Source:http://www.tamu.edu/faculty/ccbn/dewitt/batgon.htm -
Siege of San Antonio
After the battle of Gonzales the Texans formed a small untrained army led by Stephen F. Austin. After Santa Anna heard news of this he sent his Brother in Law Martin Perfecto De Cos to San Antonio De Bexar to fight and destroy the Texan army. This battle escaladed when De Cos's men shot at the Texans. After a tense couple of hours the Mexicans were surrouned in the Alamo and forced to surrender. The surrendered Mexicans went back on December 14th.
Picture Source:http://www.sdsoldiers.com/Mvc-SO -
Consultation at San Felipe De Austin
This was yet another polical gathering to talk about the problems with the Sanish. This time, however, The Texans ended with a new goal other than fighting and hating the Mexicans. They formed a brand new Texan capitol out of a colony. This Capitol was called San Felipe De Austin because it was right by Stephen F. Austin's Colony on the Brazos river.
Picture Source:http://seethesites.blogspot.com/2010/09/san-felipe-de-austin-visitor-has.html -
Battle of the Alamo
This was the most grusome battle throughout the Texas revolution. All of the Texans who fought in this battle were killed. Men like Davy crockett, James Bowie and William B. Travis were all killed at the alamo. This battle started when Santa Anna marched right into the terratory with 1,500 soldiers and started shooting and charging at the Alamo. 100 texans died and 100 more were sent. It was the worst defeat we suffered from the Mexican army.
Picture Source:http://www.sonofthesouth.net/texas/ba -
Fall of the Alamo
When all The Texans died the Alamo was left in peices. The women and children on the inside were the only people who survived. When the women said it was time to leave they opened the doors to bodies upon bodies of the Mexicans and Texans. Many people lost their husbands, children lost their fathers. Though the Alamo had fallen and was in peices it gave Texans the courage to stand right back up and get revenge.
Picture Source:http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8334/8079080711_a92bff5615_z.jpg -
Goliad Masscre
The Goliad Masscre was not a battle but yet an execution. It was the execution of James Fannin and other Texan Soldiers to prove that Texas needed to be kept in line or else. This was simply Santa Anna trying to do one of his other famous tricks to keep his so called "people" in line. Unfortunately this plan failed because the Texans fought yet another battle to get revenge from this incident and the Alamo.
Picture Source:http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3621/3599147436_f0c9306211_z.jpg?zz=1